Impeachment: The great 'Why should I care?'

It is almost amusing the watch the consternation of those in the elite bubbles as their Impeachment Circus Grande goes largely unwatched and their own pointed interests seem to be of little interest to others.

Why, oh why?

In the end each person has and will have their own life story to tell. And I expect for many this Big In D.C. event will play almost no part whatever.

For myself, who has watched not a single minute of these proceedings on TV, nor even the snatches that have made it to the various blogs I read, it has come down to a few simple questions: "Why are the people doing this? Concern about law or justice? Or are they simply looking for personal (or political) gain?"

The answer is obviously #2, so why should I even give them my attention?

Then, to the degree I have any remaining interest, my questioning goes to more personal matters, and in this it seems I am not alone. "How am I and my fellow citizens being affected?" Do our interests and those pushing this thing share common concerns, or for that matter, do we even share basic human values?

No and no and no.
And is this thing going to win? Not based on any rational numbers.
Therefore on with my life! Art, music, friendship, family, community. The things that properly make up my own life in our republic.

In other words something more basic. Something once perfectly described with these few words: "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Note, that it is not that I don't care.  I really, really do.  Just not in what they are selling, not in their motive for wanting to sell it.

Again, in this it seems I am not alone.

America under Trump is doing wonderfully.  This I/we care about. But the other? The elites' personal concerns? About that why should we care at all?

That, I think, sums it up for the many.

Eat your hearts out, elites.  We simply do not care.
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