Julian is not getting Hispanos excited for the Democrats

It may be a matter of time before Julián Castro does a "Beto" and concludes his campaign for president.

He is apparently having a hard time surviving or raising enough money to pay the bills.

He is also having a tough time exciting "Hispanos," as we see in this report from USA Today:

As the Democratic primaries rapidly approach, Castro continues to struggle to pull in national Latino voter support in an election cycle where Hispanic voters are expected to help pick the next president. 

A poll released this week by Telemundo Noticias showed Castro in a three-way tie for fourth place among Latino voters, with only 2% support. Former Vice President Joe Biden (26%) and Sanders (18%) led the candidates among those voters.

What does it all mean?

First, name recognition matters.  How many people know who Julián Castro is?  Not many outside San Antonio.  He is still a stranger to most voters.  I guess it does not help having a twin brother who enjoys making the front pages.

Second, maybe Julián Castro spoke too much about open borders or illegal aliens or abortions for transgenders.  On the matter of illegal immigration, Hispanics are not in favor of it.

Third, Hispanic Democrats want a candidate who can win.  It's obvious that they don't think Julián Castro is that man.

Am I surprised that Julián Castro is not clicking?  I am not surprised at all.

Maybe he would have enjoyed more success explaining how red Texas attracts business relocations and blue California does not.

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