Never let some sucker give Trump an even break

Writing a short letter to the L.A. Times, Jack Spiegelman took issue with impeachment.  "It's a non-issue."  The stock market is Jack's only issue.  He'd be perfectly happy voting for the re-election of Bugs Bunny if the market were doing well under the silly wabbit's administration. 

Here's Happy Jack's philosophy for 2020: if you can't say something nice about Trump (e.g., attaboy!) don't say anything at all.

But Happy Jack's no help at all.  In fact, he's done more harm than good.

Jack, you silly fool, what got into you?  Lots of people read the Times.  Don't you realize the damage you've done to Trump's administration?

Penelope Burley read Happy Jack's letter, and her hair bristled.  Writing a short reply to the Times, she let him have it, but it's Trump and his administration who bear the brunt of her anger:

... a disastrously unqualified, unfit, unpredictable and unhinged reality TV show host ... Trump will go down in history as the worst, most corrupt and despised president of all time.

Here's Penelope's philosophy for 2020: if this doesn't put me in the papers, nothing will.

Playing him like a fiddle, Paul Thornton, Times letters editor, published Happy Jack's letter.  Here's what Paul has noticed over the years:

Many of our letter writers have bristled at using the roaring stock market as an indicator of a president's success.  A letter that exalts the market as the single greatest reason for reelecting Trump, then, understandably prompted a strong reaction by some readers.

Hold your horses, Paul.  It's true that Trump rid us of Barack Obama's ill considered regulations (crippling business), thus creating a bull market, yes — so yes, it's the economy, stupid.  But no one's saying a roaring stock market is the single greatest reason for re-electing Trump — far from it — except for Jack.

So, Paul published Happy Jack's letter and waited for some sucker to bite.  Four days later, he hooked Penelope's reply, a good one.  Here's Paul's philosophy for 2020: never let some sucker give Trump an even break — Trump's a disastrously unqualified, unfit, unpredictable, blah, blah, blah.

My fellow citizens, it's time to fight back against fools who publish letters that blacken the character of President Trump.  Let the Times know that you know that the president has the country's best interest at heart and that he is doing a good job.  Let the Times know that you are a right-thinking individual, and as such, you understand that there are bad people and bad organizations intent on taking the country in the wrong direction, that Trump has tremendous strength and energy for the task of taking the country in the right direction, and that his personal flaws are no impediment to that task.  We'd better support him, warts and all.      

By all means, take the time to write the Times, but have Ben Shapiro or some other savvy conservative approve your piece.  Don't hit "send" 'til you do.  And don't hold your breath.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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