Shocking literacy and math test numbers from Democrat-run California

The annual California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) online test results from 2018 show that California is failing all students, but that the damage is greatest for minorities and boys.

There are two primary parts of the test.  One covers literacy, and one covers math.


% meeting standards in 2018




All 8th graders



All 11th graders















The first thing to note is that California public schools are failing all Californians.  Sixty-three percent of 8th-graders and 69% of 11th-graders aren't proficient in math, and 51% and 44% aren't proficient in literacy.

That's horrible.  Yet Democrats are concentrating on making sure that kids know about gender fluidity and get graphic instructions about bizarre sex acts rather than ensuring that students can read, write, and do arithmetic.

Since we're talking about a Democrat-run state, blacks are even worse off.  Whenever there is a disparity in outcome between whites and blacks, or Hispanics, Democrats tell us it has to be due to racism.  If we apply the Democrats' own reasoning, the Democrats running California are clearly racist, since blacks do much worse than whites in both literacy and math.  Whites are nearly twice as likely as blacks to be proficient in both math and literacy.

Given the unending claims by the Democrats about how much they love Hispanics, the fact that whites are significantly more likely to be proficient in both math and literacy than Hispanics also proves, using Democrat rules, that the California government is racist.

Clearly, Democrats don't really care about blacks and Hispanics, since if they did, they'd be doing something to close this achievement gap.  Perhaps like their predecessors who founded the KKK, modern Democrats just think the low test scores are due to blacks not being as smart as whites.

It's time to point out how Democrats are letting down minorities so that Californians will elect Republicans who know that blacks are just as smart as whites and, if given good, safe schools, blacks will be educated to their full potential.

But even if we forget about the racism, the fact that over half of Californian kids aren't getting a decent education is reason enough to throw the Democrat bums, who are running the state for their own benefit and not for the children, out on the street.

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