The worst piece of advice ever to Trump

Jonah Goldberg, writing at National Review, says that President Trump is guilty and should apologize.

In l’affaire Ukraine, the president is guilty as charged. And the best strategy for him to avoid impeachment by the House and perhaps even removal by the Senate is to admit it, apologize, and let voters make their own judgment. It’s also the best way to fend off a disaster for Senate Republicans.  

This is one pathetic piece of advice which could have been written by any of many NeverTrumpers like Boot, Noonan, Rubin, Brooks and Romney, who like to pretend they still are conservatives. 

President Clinton signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1999 to cooperate to root out corruption, but according to Goldberg, most journalists, other Democrats and several Republicans, the only corruption Trump could ever ask about would be corruption by people other than Americans (does that make sense?).  Otherwise, Trump is guilty and could be impeached. 

We know from Politico and other sources that the Democrats worked with Ukraine to defeat Trump in 2016, but if Trump or Barr wants to investigate that absolute corruption they should be removed from office and apologize for even bringing it up.

We know that Obama/Biden withheld military aid from Ukraine and Trump gave them the aid but somehow Trump is the problem. 

After watching most of the media and other Democrats the last three years, I have some advice for all current and future politicians. If you want to enrich yourselves and your families while you are in office, make sure you take your kickbacks on foreign soil from foreign sources because that would be off limits on all investigations. 

Here is some advice to all Republicans: Don’t listen to pretend conservatives, journalists and other Democrats when they give advice on what you need to do to win the vote. They won’t vote for you no matter what. They have been giving advice my whole adult life that Republicans must move left to win.

When Obama won in 2008, we were told we would never win again if we didn’t move left. Instead we moved right with the tea party and took over 1,000 political seats nationwide, took over the Senate, temporarily took back the House and took back the Presidency. When Democrats lose, they are not told they must move right, they are told the public is stupid and doesn’t understand their great policies.

How few votes would Trump get and how many millions would he lose if:

He apologized for wanting to investigate Democrat and bureaucratic corruption?

He joined the Democrats in supporting infanticide instead of being pro-life and protecting the most vulnerable

He caved and rejoined the Paris climate accord and go along with the radical green agenda that would not change the climate, would bankrupt America and leave us vulnerable to OPEC, Russia and others.

He caved and gave in to Iran which allows the terrorist tyrants $100’s of billions and allows them to continue their twin goals of death to America and death to Israel

He caved in and stopped enforcing immigration laws and stopped building the wall.

He caved and raised taxes back up along with increasing regulations.

He caved and reinstituted the individual mandate on Obamacare instead of saving people money by giving them freedom of choice. 

He caved to China.

He stopped being for America First.

As for apologies, I will anxiously wait for Jonah Goldberg and others to demand the following:

Adam Schiff, all the journalists and other Democrats to apologize for the years of intentional lies about Trump colluding with Russia and their endless witch hunt investigations with no evidence.

Schiff for intentionally lying to the public when he said he didn’t know and hadn’t met the whistle blower.

All the journalists and other Democrats for their continuous, intentional lies that the tax cuts only benefitted the rich.

Democrats for blocking the wall and calling Trump a racist when they previously supported the wall and previously said the same things about illegal immigration that Trump does.

Obama and all others should apologize for continually, intentionally lie about Obamacare.

Biden and others for continuing the lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville and saying he likes and supports white supremacists.

Biden and others for calling Trump a liar and idiot when he tells the truth that the Russian collusion with Trump story was always a hoax.

The media and other Democrats apologizing to Kavanaugh and Trump for seeking to destroy Kavanaugh with no evidence.

The FBI, the media and other Democrats for ginning up fake charges against patriot Michael Flynn and essentially destroying his life because he dared work for Trump.

Obama, Hillary, Rice, Rhodes and others for lying to the public and the families of those who died solely because they wanted to protect their political power. And the media and other Democrats say they are the empathetic party.

Journalists and other Democrats should apologize to all of us Trump supporters for continually labeling us as racists, white supremacists, xenophobes, sexists and homophobes. The propaganda attacks are endless.

How many people are journalists and other Democrats willing to destroy in order to put a Democrat back in the white house and to transfer as much power, money and freedom from the people to the very wealthy bureaucrats and politicians?

Thank goodness for Trump, who has more brains and common than all those who attack him daily. He should not only not apologize for seeking to investigate the clear corruption of the DNC and Biden in Ukraine. His administration should also ramp up the investigations against the FBI, Hillary and all others who were treated as above the law by Obama, most of the media and other democrats for the last ten years. 

The United States economy will clearly collapse if Democrat policies are enacted.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

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