Ukraine: The truth versus the Democrats' narrative

Things we know about Ukraine:

President Clinton signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1999 to cooperate to root out corruption, but, according to most journalists, other Democrats, and several Republicans, the only corruption Trump could ever ask about would be corruption by people other than Americans.  Otherwise, Trump is guilty and could be impeached. 

Vice President Biden's son got paid $50,000 (or as much as $83,000) per month for years from a corrupt company in Ukraine for the sole reason that he was the V.P.'s son, and supposedly, Trump should apologize and be removed from office for bringing it up.  The dishonest media say there is no evidence Biden did anything wrong. 

We know that Obama/Biden withheld military aid from Ukraine and Trump gave it the aid — but somehow, Trump should be impeached for bringing up the Bidens' name, and the complicit media continually say there is no indication Biden did anything wrong.  

Biden/Obama threatened to withhold over one billion dollars in aid if Ukraine didn't fire a prosecutor investigating the corrupt company that Hunter Biden got paid by — and Trump should be impeached for bringing up the Bidens' name.  The sycophant media continually say there is no indication Biden did anything wrong.

Journalists and other Democrats have complained for years that politicians colluding with foreigners is pure corruption and should not be allowed.  We know from Politico and other sources that the Democrats worked with Ukraine to defeat Trump in 2016 — but if Trump or Barr wants to investigate that corruption, he should be removed from office and apologize for even bringing it up.

Journalists and other Democrats tried to impeach Trump for years with the false story about Russian collusion with Trump, and now they want him impeached for wanting an investigation into actual collusion by Democrats with Ukraine. 


If journalists and other Democrats truly cared about corruption, they would investigate the Bidens and Clintons for all their kickbacks instead of seeking to impeach Trump for seeking to show the public the truth. 

If they cared about interference by foreigners and bureaucrats in the 2016 election, they would want to investigate Ukraine, Hillary, the DNC, the FBI, the intelligence agencies, Obama, and others in his administration, instead of trying to hide the truth from the public and seeking to impeach Trump and destroy Barr.

The only thing journalists and other Democrats care about since Trump was elected is getting rid of Trump and putting Democrats back in power. 

It is no wonder so many politicians and their families enrich themselves while feasting at the public trough since most journalists care about only an agenda and electing Democrats. 

Journalists claim they are fact-checkers, but the fact that they willingly spread lies about Russian collusion with Trump for years and want to cover up the clear collusion of Democrats with Ukraine in 2016 shows that facts have little if anything to do with what they report.  They are agenda-pushers, not fact-checkers. 

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