Why a woman at my synagogue is terrified of white supremacy

In a Democrat Jewish synagogue with its parking lot full of fading “I’m with Her” bumper stickers, a nice, well-meaning woman said she is deeply distressed by the rise of white supremacy in America.  It shows how well-meaning nice people may have awful ideas.  Her distress was one of these terrible ideas that translate into destructiveness.  Sadly, large numbers of non-orthodox Jews and Christians agree with her — agree with the millions of secular leftists raging about President Trump and the Danger of the Right.  They would attribute their fantasy about the rise of white supremacy to our president and the deplorable Republicans.

As the great Jewish thinker, writer, and president of the wildly popular Prager University videos on the web says (paraphrased), “never before in all my studies of totalitarian states in history would I come to realize that people in a free country could be utterly brainwashed by a propagandist press.”  Tragically, that is what is happening here in America. 

This awful and degraded press, in collusion with the leftist Democratic Party and corrupt officials at the highest levels of the nation’s security institutions, has just spent nearly three years, countless news hours, and $40 million dragging 320 million Americans through a gargantuan lie, a lie as evil as the blood libel against the Jews.  It was the lie that our duly elected president colluded with Putin to undermine the 2016 election.  Now, the same group, Goebbels-style, pounds into the heads of half of the country another massive lie: that impeachment of our president is in order because of an innocuous phone call. 

Since Marx, lying is the currency of the Left, and through it, these people gain and maintain power.  It is lying on a cosmic scale, not the Trumpian micro-lies of how many people were really at the inauguration.  It is the gargantuan ones like, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," or how about the one where the president gets to lie about the Constitution and with a phone and a pen approve a treaty giving $150 billion to America- and Jew-hating barbarians in Iran?  Or how about the cosmic-level one that we can still have an American civilization with open borders and no assimilation?

The most potent of the lies are those that help to harshly divide us, rip us apart, make us all feel victimized and enraged at each other.  That, the Left has down to an art form.  Remember “Ferguson,” the lie Mr. Obama is still pushing out, and how about “Charlottesville,” or what about “white Americans have racism in their DNA,” or how about the daily venom thrown our way of  racist police, homophobes, Islamophobes, misogynists, sexists, immigrant-haters?  What black man would then be so self-destructive as to vote for the party that, according to the lying Left and lying Democrat media, wants black men stalked by our police, or put back in chains, as Mr. Biden said?  What black man would work in the same office as white men with tainted DNA, white men belonging to the party whose ranks contain hundreds of thousands of white supremacists?

But that’s the point, the calculus of ripping apart America — all for power. 

I’ve now lived a long life in this great country.  I grew up in the South, even before much of the Democrat leadership fought the 1964 Civil Rights legislation.  I’ve lived and traveled in many cities and interacted with thousands of people.  I’ve never met, seen, heard, or bumped into an American white supremacist or hardcore racist.  Do they exist?  Of course they do.  They exist in the same minuscule numbers and with the influence that racist cops, homophobes, transphobes, Islamophobes, and people who believe in the divine rights of kings have here. 

That is why my fellow American and Jew is so upset about white supremacy.  It is primarily because in this free society, we no longer have a free press.  We have a Democrat leftist press.  And with such a press in America, we now know that even free Harvard, Penn, or Yale B.A.-holding men and women with high SAT scores in their repertoires are tragically, deeply susceptible to propaganda.  It takes a lot of concerted mental effort and willpower to go against the biblical pronouncements in our new, ever more secularizing America, with the daily barrage of  mendacious pronouncements of our leftist priests of the New York Times editorial conclave.  It takes that or lots of plain common sense and wisdom, available still in large amounts in “flyover America.” 

What, in reality, this woman should be distressed about is this new radicalized, hard secular leftist Democratic Party and the Democrat media she embraces.  She should be enraged that they are the ones who champion supremacy — the supremacy of the iron fist of the gargantuan, controlling State and the radical illiberal anti-Western ideology of Leftism.  It is her Bernies, Betos, Rachel Maddows, Adam Schiffs, Don Lemons, Jeff Zuckers, Elizabeth Warrens, AOCs, and Mayor Petes who are coming hard and fast for all Americans with dark skin, white skin, gay, straight, transgendering, Christian, Jew, and Muslim skin — coming hard and fast for their liberty.  It is her friends on the Left who demand to lord it over her life — her money and savings accounts, her economic freedom, the  schools where her kids attend to learn the idiocy like "America sucks" and there are 100 genders, how she gets health care for every organ in her body, what opinionated speech she is allowed to use, how she defines marriage and sex, what car she drives, home she lives in, energy she uses, retirement plans she desires, how she runs her business, how or if she buys a gun to protect herself, how she expresses her religious beliefs, and whether or not she can live outside the womb before the assault weapon of the abortionist's knife gets to her.  That is the supremacy she should be terrified about. 

But she fears nothing about all this.  She has shown us the new reality — that men may be led deeply astray morally and intellectually even in a free society by fake news media.  And in general, the more educated (indoctrinated), the easier it seems to be able to detach from truth, wisdom, and common sense.

In all his Queens, New York roughness and toughness, President Trump hit it right down the center.  It’s the fake news media (as well as our fake schools, colleges, and universities now).  His toughness, spike, and brashness are what is needed to combat such evil attacking America.

Sixty-three million Americans got it right.  Hopefully, more will get it right in 2020.  Lies are at the center of human evil.  We swim today in a sea of them from the Democrat Left and the Democrat media.  Now we even contend with the N.Y. Times' gargantuan new lie that America was formed in slavery in 1619.

My synagogue colleague needs to put down her dreadful New York Times for a bit and maybe read Mark Levin’s bestsellers Unfreedom of the Press and Liberty and Tyranny or watch some five-minute Prager University videos to begin to regain any semblance of what in reality she should fear.  That fear should be focused hard and strong toward the evil supremacy of leftism.  It is a cancer on our body politic.

We are in a dark period in America when so many forces, the media, the Democratic Party, our public schools, our universities, and Hollywood are all lockstep-aligned against truth and American Judeo-Christian liberal values.  One strong, tough, solid American guy, President Trump, with cojones, looks this evil in the eye and calls it out.  God give him and us strength against this potent enemy of America.

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