A recipe for disaster

Those following a low-carb diet have undoubtedly harkened to the wonders of almond flour as an acceptable alternative to wheat flour.  I recently deigned to substitute this marvel of compressed nuts in my fluffy pancake recipe.  Much to my (and my breakfast-loving husband's) chagrin, the final product was essentially inedible.

The lesson here is one that most of us have learned one time or another: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Why, then, would our most influential leaders want to "fix" our system of government established to give everyone a shot at achieving his goals and dreams?  There is no mystery as to why millions of people since our founding have left everything behind them to come to a new land.  They wanted to escape to a country in which they can find safety, freedom, and prosperity for themselves and their families. 

Our country is now experiencing a period of great economic growth; military strength; energy independence; and, with hope, the restoration of the institutions severely tarnished by the previous administration.  Our prosperous circumstances, however, are reported by those in Congress and the mainstream media as a dark period of impending recession, white supremacy, and endemic racism.

It's clear that the left and all of the Democrats running for the presidency are hell-bent on taking our country's successful recipe and eliminating the ingredients that make it great.  They have already determined that, once in power, they would eliminate the Electoral College, eliminate the free market, eliminate religious freedom and the First and Second Amendments.  What then would be left of our original recipe?  No doubt, we would quickly find that the main product is no longer great.

The election of Democrats into office is most definitely a recipe for disaster.

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