Photos: Actually, Greta Thunberg showed all signs of wanting to meet Trump

At first glance I was pretty impressed with the chutzpah and disingenuousness of Greta Thunberg, who just came out with this:

Greta Thunberg said she "wouldn't have wasted my time" meeting with President Trump to discuss climate change. 

In an interview with BBC radio, the 16-year-old activist was asked what she would have said to Trump if they'd spoken at a United Nations summit on climate change. Thunberg said she wouldn't have said anything because Trump isn't listening.

"Honestly, I don't think I would have said anything because obviously, he's not listening to scientists and experts, so why would he listen to me?" she said. "So I probably wouldn't have said anything, I wouldn't have wasted my time."

In reality, it was Trump who had no intention of wasting his time.  He didn't.

Take a gander at how young Greta craned her head pleadingly and moved her eyes desperately sidelong as Trump entered the room at the United Nations last September — her one brush with the U.S. president on her own tour of the U.N.  Thunberg is standing strategically within encounter's distance of him, and she was the one who placed herself there to get a glimpse, all in the hopes of an encounter with the great man himself.

Trump ignored her, as was appropriate, or he'd be meeting with foreign activists for the rest of his presidency, and in any case, Thunberg has shown herself to be pretty immature for her age, what with her tantrums.  But it's obvious she most certainly wanted attention from Trump, not the other way around.  When Trump didn't give her the attention she wanted, she put on her best teenage pout.  Here's the sequence from the YouTube video from The Guardian:

Now, if you listen to Thunberg's words closely in her famous hot pink United Nations tantrum speech, a case could be made that Thunberg's shtick is chiefly to mau-mau the soggy liberals who already believe in global warming and aren't "doing enough."  Those are the people who give this ignoramus the time of day and take her "seriously," comparing her to the Virgin Mary and all that.  She's out to radicalize them, since they're the only ones paying attention and enjoy that "beat me, beat me" kind of masochism seen chiefly in liberals.

But it nevertheless was pretty obvious, based on the photos, that when Thunberg was at the U.N., she really did want some attention from President Trump.  That she didn't get it, and then said she didn't want it anyway, is redolent of Aesop's tale of the fox and the grapes.  Yeah, sure, Grets.

Image credits: Shareable YouTube screen shots, The Guardian.

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