Bloomberg has quite a past as a 'big swinging dick'

For a lefty, Michael Bloomberg has a lot of skeletons in his closet.

A short guy with a big ego, he was no pajama boy back when he was making his pile at what's now Bloomberg L.P., a service that originally catered to Wall Street bond traders back in the 1980s.

He's been accused of some spectacularly sexist statements, the kind that leftists have shrieked about when they came from Donald Trump, and worse still, his founded company has been accused of multiple accounts of sex-harassment and a hostile-to-women workplace environment. That's kind of contradictory for the agenda of a candidate who's seeking Democratic votes on a politically correct platform.

No wonder he didn't want his own media company, Bloomberg News, covering him, and as insurance, any of the other Democrats, either. They knew this guy well.

According to the New York Post:

Mike Bloomberg defended his media company’s treatment of women — claiming it had an “enviable record” despite being hit with dozens of lawsuits from female staff accusing the Democratic presidential candidate of ruling over a predatory environment.

The multibillionaire was grilled on the campaign trail Sunday following an article that revealed Bloomberg LP had been slapped with nearly 40 discrimination and harassment suits from 64 employees over the past two decades.

“Not everybody is happy but we have an enviable record of treating people the same in terms of compensation and promotions and authority,” the 77-year-old said when asked if he had made mistakes in the way he treated female employees at his media company.

A Business Insider investigation last month found the former three-term mayor of New York City, who is worth about $54 billion, was repeatedly accused of creating a “reckless playground” for male executives to “target young, female, naive employees” for sex.

It also found he allegedly made sexually explicit comments to staff including, “If you looked like that … I would do you in a second,” according to court documents.

Forty lawsuits, for a 38-year-old company is ... quite a few. And five of them are still going on. Here's what the New York Times wrote about those last November:

Lawsuits portrayed the early days of his company as a frat house, with employees bragging about sexual exploits. Even after entering politics, Mr. Bloomberg’s cavalier attitude caused trouble: In 2012, the mayor, while admiring a woman at a party, urged two guests to “look at the ass on her.” 

That certainly doesn't square with leftists' political correctness culture, which is a bad thing for Bloomie given that he's seeking Democrat votes right now. 

Now, Bloomberg originally denied it, but then didn't deny it, first through his flunkies who called it "wrong," and then through contrition himself. But he's moving back on his denials, touting his promotions of women (same as Harvey Weinstein is doing), and says he's now "changed." which kind of isn't denying it. Not only is it not going to work with the politically correct crowd, it's probably total baloney anyway.

Let's cut to the chase.

When did Bloomberg start to make his billions? In 1981, right after he took a $10 million payout from Salomon Brothers, the bond-trader's bond-trading firm, where the Masters of the Universe were reigning supreme. "Check out uh Mister Businessman, uh huh, he bought some wild wild life. On the way to the stock exchange, uh uh, wild wild life," sang the Talking Heads in the era.

Writer Michael Lewis got a job at Salomon, that very company just a couple years after Bloomberg left and found that what was left was a sex-harassment-like-crazy atmosphere, described in his memorable bestseller, "Liar's Poker." According to Wikipedia, here's what he found:

The book is an unflattering portrayal of Wall Street traders and salesmen, their personalities, their beliefs, and their work practices.

During the ytraining sessions, Lewis was struck by the infantilism of most of his fellow trainees. Examples included yelling at and insulting financial experts who talked to them, throwing spit balls at one another and at lecturers, calling phone sex lines and then broadcastingyy them over the company's intercomgambling on behavioral traits (such as how long it took certain trainees to fall asleep during lectures), and the trainees' incredible lust for money and contempt for any position that did not earn much.

Lewis attributed the bond traders' and salesmen's behavior to the fact that the trading floor required neither finesse nor advanced financial knowledge, but, rather, the ability and desire to exploit others' weaknesses, to intimidate others into listening to traders and salesmen, and tyyhe ability to spend hours a day screaming orders under high pressure situations. He referred to their worldview as "The Law of the Jungle."

He also noted thaty, although most arrivals on Wall Street had studied economics, this knowledge was never used; in fact, any academic knowledge was frowned on by traders.

Tom Wolfe's 1987 Bonfire of the Vanities elaborates on this culture that served as the petri dish for Michael Bloomberg's rise even more.

Somehow, Bloomie is counting on voters mainly remembering him for his record as New York's mayor, instead of his past life as a "big swinging dick." But it's that Wall Street experience, first as a bond guy in the midst of the free for all in the era of the masters of the universe that explains his vivid history of sexism. 

Back when Trump was accused of such things, it was water off a duck's back because voters were looking for political incorrectness. Bloomberg has no such advantage among the Democrats. One could argue that doofus picked the wrong party, but Republicans don't want a micromanaging leftist with big plans for the government to control their lives. His denials are laughable, not just to the left but to the right, given that he's effectively saying that it was all right when he did it but not when anyone else does. Billionaire's privilege.


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