I like Trump's Fridays more than Obama's Fridays

We anticipate the first Friday of the month because of the jobs report.

It was a bit of a drag during the Obama years.  Back in September 2012, as he was running for re-election, the economy gained 96,000 jobs.

It's been fun during the Trump years, especially last Friday:

Government data out Friday showed the US added far more jobs than expected in November, relieving concerns that one of the brightest spots in the economy was starting to run out of steam.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said 266,000 nonfarm payrolls were created last month, pushing the unemployment rate to a historically low 3.5%. 

The figure was temporarily boosted by the end of a six-week strike at General Motors, which had idled roughly 50,000 workers throughout October.

Economists had predicted that would help lift payroll gains to 185,000 in November from 156,000 a month earlier.

Great Friday!

My favorite part of the report is that wage growth is going in the right direction.

During the Obama years, I didn't like the first Friday of the month.  I like them now!  A good jobs report is great for all.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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