Trump, sainthood, and Christianity

Christianity Today editor Mark Galli has been roundly criticized by Evangelical leaders across the country for his call to have Trump impeached and removed from office for being "immoral" — not for what he's accused of, but for something unrelated.

Galli and his various left-wing supporting Christian crew are wondering why they are getting so much flak in response.  Evidently, they've forgotten that Christ commanded us not to get caught up in controversies and to be kind and loving to one another.

Christians are fighting about a politician who hit on various women as a billionaire.  Not as president, as was the case of Bill Clinton.  It's just so unseemly for the critics.  Such immoral behavior!  Hitting on all those women!  How dare he?  As if any of them were any better.

Think about the war the left wing has prosecuted against Christians and the stifling attacks on the First Amendment they have engaged across the political, law, entertainment and educational spectrum.  All against people of faith in the Evangelical world and conversely their support and promotion of those enemies of the cross in the Islamic world who are the actual source of pain, suffering, genocide in the Middle East.

From every pocket of our social order, the left wing has driven Christians from the public square and rained down hell on our American culture.  The stripping of Christian ethics from all areas of public and private life to the point that schoolgirls must be forced to shower with transvestite men in public schools.  Abortion on demand killing children by the millions.  Yet a cadre of these leftist Trump-hating Christians want Trump impeached and are attacking those who were upset with a man who thought he was speaking for all of us, when he wasn't.

Trump isn't a savior.  He isn't a saint.  He's a flawed man who has reached down into his own soul to uncloud the truth and provide an opening for Christians to once again find a voice and rescue our culture from its death spiral.

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