When Wray goes away, will Flynn fill in?

General Michael Flynn is about to be exonerated, Wray isn't doing the job, and the American people desperately need someone trustworthy at the FBI.

As various people have reported, FBI director Christopher Wray seems to have lost President Trump's confidence in light of the process abuses headlined in the Horowitz report.

Assuming that the impeachment nonsense dies in the House or is quickly killed in the Senate, President Trump can reasonably be expected to appoint a new FBI director fairly soon.  General Michael Flynn is the right man for the job.

The Horowitz report makes it clear that the FBI repeatedly and knowingly withheld exculpatory evidence favoring each of the four nominal targets, so it's a good bet that General Flynn will soon be cleared of all charges.  Nominating him for director of the FBI and thus forcing an immediate settlement of all outstanding issues through face-to-face negotiation between Flynn and Barr will benefit everyone involved.

Second, Durham's unusual response to the publication of the Horowitz report drives to an obvious, but also obviously speculative, conclusion: what the inspector general found is that the predicate for the formal investigation was extraordinarily thin, but arguably adequate if the people involved genuinely believed that members of the Trump campaign team really did threaten national security.  What Durham has is evidence that they did not — because their efforts to attack the Trump campaign had started eight months earlier.

Nominating General Flynn for the FBI directorship gives President Trump what he needs most: an FBI director who for both deeply personal and professional reasons can be trusted to clean up the FBI, explode inappropriate Deep State relationships between the FBI and other agencies ranging from state department security to the CIA, and use the full resources of the agency to support Messrs Durham and Barr in their efforts to bring wrongdoers ranging from various congressional and DNC staffers, all the way up to Clinton and Obama, to justice.

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