David Limbaugh explains why the Democrats must not win

Maxine Waters (D) vowed last Sunday that Democrats "will not stop" their attempt to impeach Trump even if they fail this time.  Her latest vexation is characteristic of the Dem's unceasing insanity.  For anyone having any remaining doubt that the once respected Democratic Party of JFK is dead, I recommend David Limbaugh's latest book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity.  In it he explains "why the Democrats must not win" with 380 pages of meticulously researched evidence backed up by 80 pages of end notes.  (Included is at least one credit to American Thinker's Thomas Lifson and another for Brian C. Joondeph, a regular AT contributor.)

It took a while to finish the book because it is too mentally fatiguing to ingest so much disturbing information except when taken in small bites spread far apart.  Below are three excerpts that provide some of his insights into what the party has become.  

The Democratic Party is a vehicle of leftist extremism that poses an existential threat to America as founded — because it is at war with our first principles and traditions.  It is anti-capitalist and rejects equality of opportunity in favor of a hierarchy of privileges of identity groups ranked according to their alleged level of historical oppression.  It's a brazenly anti-life party that promotes gender anarchy, militant feminism, and hostility toward traditional male roles and masculinity itself.  It prosecutes a vicious culture war punctuated by an ongoing assault on Christians' religious liberty (p. 2).

Leftist activism today, from identity politics to abortion, is me-centered.  The left's myriad victims are trained to think only of themselves and never about the greater good.  It is the politics of graceless, narcissistic self-directedness.  For all its boasts about compassion, the left has long since abandoned any pretense of it and replaced it with envy, bitterness, and hate (p. 60).

The left has become a closed-minded mega-cult that arbitrarily declares issues beyond debate and opponents unworthy of respect or civil treatment.  Those who don't agree are not just wrong, but evil (p. 233).

Mr. Limbaugh provides copious evidence the Dems operate like a cult, yet he does not include a definition of a cult's most common characteristics.  Stella Morabito, a senior writer for The Federalist, separately makes up for that minor oversight in "4 Reasons The Left's Methods Are Far More Cult-Like Than Trump's."  Using her list while reading Limbaugh's book makes it easier for us less intellectual readers to connect the dots.  

1. Cults Are Defined By Their Methods, Not Their Beliefs.  Cults use coercive and deceptive methods.  They psychologically manipulate people and isolate people from other points of view.  Consider also the left's large-scale imposition of political correctness throughout all of society's institutions, particularly in the media, which they control.  It is a cult-like practice because it is designed specifically to isolate people from other points of view through social pressures of ostracism and worse. 

2. A Cult Leader Does Not Allow Any Criticism.  Leftist leaders are also far more intolerant of criticism, and far more punitive to their critics. If you speak your mind about any of their sacred cows, you are liable to be socially punished by mobs and even lose your job. 

3.  A Cult Leader Aims the Control the Lives of His Followers and Keep Them Utterly Dependent.  … [T]he agenda of dependency [has been] promoted for generations by leftist elites who run the media.  We see the results of those policies in broken families, widespread welfare dependency, and the cultivation of ignorance in both K12 and higher education.

4. Cults Are Interested In One Thing Only: Amassing Power and Recruits. They [Dems] hope to secure a "permanent majority" (their words) by gaining recruits (voters) through dependency programs, open borders, and the continuing cultivation of ignorance in education.  These practices reflect an unquenchable appetite for power that exactly parallels the operations of cults.

Obviously, there is much more in Limbaugh's book than could possibly be summarized here, but reading it should open many eyes to truths that have been so successfully silenced in our postmodern era.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

Maxine Waters (D) vowed last Sunday that Democrats "will not stop" their attempt to impeach Trump even if they fail this time.  Her latest vexation is characteristic of the Dem's unceasing insanity.  For anyone having any remaining doubt that the once respected Democratic Party of JFK is dead, I recommend David Limbaugh's latest book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity.  In it he explains "why the Democrats must not win" with 380 pages of meticulously researched evidence backed up by 80 pages of end notes.  (Included is at least one credit to American Thinker's Thomas Lifson and another for Brian C. Joondeph, a regular AT contributor.)

It took a while to finish the book because it is too mentally fatiguing to ingest so much disturbing information except when taken in small bites spread far apart.  Below are three excerpts that provide some of his insights into what the party has become.  

The Democratic Party is a vehicle of leftist extremism that poses an existential threat to America as founded — because it is at war with our first principles and traditions.  It is anti-capitalist and rejects equality of opportunity in favor of a hierarchy of privileges of identity groups ranked according to their alleged level of historical oppression.  It's a brazenly anti-life party that promotes gender anarchy, militant feminism, and hostility toward traditional male roles and masculinity itself.  It prosecutes a vicious culture war punctuated by an ongoing assault on Christians' religious liberty (p. 2).

Leftist activism today, from identity politics to abortion, is me-centered.  The left's myriad victims are trained to think only of themselves and never about the greater good.  It is the politics of graceless, narcissistic self-directedness.  For all its boasts about compassion, the left has long since abandoned any pretense of it and replaced it with envy, bitterness, and hate (p. 60).

The left has become a closed-minded mega-cult that arbitrarily declares issues beyond debate and opponents unworthy of respect or civil treatment.  Those who don't agree are not just wrong, but evil (p. 233).

Mr. Limbaugh provides copious evidence the Dems operate like a cult, yet he does not include a definition of a cult's most common characteristics.  Stella Morabito, a senior writer for The Federalist, separately makes up for that minor oversight in "4 Reasons The Left's Methods Are Far More Cult-Like Than Trump's."  Using her list while reading Limbaugh's book makes it easier for us less intellectual readers to connect the dots.  

1. Cults Are Defined By Their Methods, Not Their Beliefs.  Cults use coercive and deceptive methods.  They psychologically manipulate people and isolate people from other points of view.  Consider also the left's large-scale imposition of political correctness throughout all of society's institutions, particularly in the media, which they control.  It is a cult-like practice because it is designed specifically to isolate people from other points of view through social pressures of ostracism and worse. 

2. A Cult Leader Does Not Allow Any Criticism.  Leftist leaders are also far more intolerant of criticism, and far more punitive to their critics. If you speak your mind about any of their sacred cows, you are liable to be socially punished by mobs and even lose your job. 

3.  A Cult Leader Aims the Control the Lives of His Followers and Keep Them Utterly Dependent.  … [T]he agenda of dependency [has been] promoted for generations by leftist elites who run the media.  We see the results of those policies in broken families, widespread welfare dependency, and the cultivation of ignorance in both K12 and higher education.

4. Cults Are Interested In One Thing Only: Amassing Power and Recruits. They [Dems] hope to secure a "permanent majority" (their words) by gaining recruits (voters) through dependency programs, open borders, and the continuing cultivation of ignorance in education.  These practices reflect an unquenchable appetite for power that exactly parallels the operations of cults.

Obviously, there is much more in Limbaugh's book than could possibly be summarized here, but reading it should open many eyes to truths that have been so successfully silenced in our postmodern era.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.