David Limbaugh explains why the Democrats must not win

Maxine Waters (D) vowed last Sunday that Democrats "will not stop" their attempt to impeach Trump even if they fail this time.  Her latest vexation is characteristic of the Dem's unceasing insanity.  For anyone having any remaining doubt that the once respected Democratic Party of JFK is dead, I recommend David Limbaugh's latest book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity.  In it he explains "why the Democrats must not win" with 380 pages of meticulously researched evidence backed up by 80 pages of end notes.  (Included is at least one credit to American Thinker's Thomas Lifson and another for Brian C. Joondeph, a regular AT contributor.) It took a while to finish the book because it is too mentally fatiguing to ingest so much disturbing information except when taken in small bites spread far apart.  Below are three excerpts that provide some of his insights into what the party has...(Read Full Post)
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