Jerry Nadler's fatal mistake on impeachment

Congressman (and impeachment manager) Jerry Nadler made a fatal mistake by running his mouth only two days before President Trump's absurd trial was scheduled to begin.  He just couldn't keep quiet for two more days.  Now the entire country can be very confident that this impeachment trial is nothing but a sham and a political hatchet job.

How so?  While arguing against calling Hunter Biden as a witness by the president's defense team during a Sunday appearance on Face the NationNadler foolishly said: "Did the the evidence shows that he did, betray his country by conspiring with a foreign country to try to rig the election?"

See the problem?  Congressman Nadler just claimed on national television in front of millions of viewers that evidence shows that President Trump committed the worst possible crime against our nation, which is treason.  However, the two articles of impeachment are only about obstruction of Congress and abuse of power, neither of which is a criminal act as codified by law.

Nadler also accused Trump of extortion.  If the evidence really shows that President Trump betrayed the United States and conspired with a foreign country (when he wasn't busy extorting political favors from them), why isn't that listed as the very first article of impeachment?  Extortion is also a crime according to the law; why isn't that another article?  Nadler claims that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, a legitimate crime, but that isn't part of this charade, either.

The evidence is eventually going to show that people like James Comey, James Clapper, and John Brennan are the ones who betrayed our nation, and people like Jerry Nadler are guilty of sedition for openly promoting lies they know to be untrue purely for political gain.

By not making his salacious accusations with the gravitas of an impeachment article to support them, Nadler is tacitly admitting that evidence to support those charges does not exist.  He's simply assassinating the character of President Trump in front of a national audience, with no one to defend the president against the slander.

Not only must this national disgrace be put to a swift end, the perpetrators of this farce must be made to suffer the consequences in November.  People like Nadler are safe no matter what they say or do, but we can turn the House back over to Republicans make render him irrelevant once again.  Otherwise, the United States of America will be doomed, and the Deep State will be able to drop the pretense of fair elections.

And if that isn't enough motivation to turn out and vote, consider a future in which you don't have to see Jerry Nadler on Face the Nation again because he's no longer worth interviewing.

Congressman (and impeachment manager) Jerry Nadler made a fatal mistake by running his mouth only two days before President Trump's absurd trial was scheduled to begin.  He just couldn't keep quiet for two more days.  Now the entire country can be very confident that this impeachment trial is nothing but a sham and a political hatchet job.

How so?  While arguing against calling Hunter Biden as a witness by the president's defense team during a Sunday appearance on Face the NationNadler foolishly said: "Did the the evidence shows that he did, betray his country by conspiring with a foreign country to try to rig the election?"

See the problem?  Congressman Nadler just claimed on national television in front of millions of viewers that evidence shows that President Trump committed the worst possible crime against our nation, which is treason.  However, the two articles of impeachment are only about obstruction of Congress and abuse of power, neither of which is a criminal act as codified by law.

Nadler also accused Trump of extortion.  If the evidence really shows that President Trump betrayed the United States and conspired with a foreign country (when he wasn't busy extorting political favors from them), why isn't that listed as the very first article of impeachment?  Extortion is also a crime according to the law; why isn't that another article?  Nadler claims that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, a legitimate crime, but that isn't part of this charade, either.

The evidence is eventually going to show that people like James Comey, James Clapper, and John Brennan are the ones who betrayed our nation, and people like Jerry Nadler are guilty of sedition for openly promoting lies they know to be untrue purely for political gain.

By not making his salacious accusations with the gravitas of an impeachment article to support them, Nadler is tacitly admitting that evidence to support those charges does not exist.  He's simply assassinating the character of President Trump in front of a national audience, with no one to defend the president against the slander.

Not only must this national disgrace be put to a swift end, the perpetrators of this farce must be made to suffer the consequences in November.  People like Nadler are safe no matter what they say or do, but we can turn the House back over to Republicans make render him irrelevant once again.  Otherwise, the United States of America will be doomed, and the Deep State will be able to drop the pretense of fair elections.

And if that isn't enough motivation to turn out and vote, consider a future in which you don't have to see Jerry Nadler on Face the Nation again because he's no longer worth interviewing.