Let's stand up for the girls

As the uncle of five nieces, I'm furious with the idea that boys are competing as girls in athletic matters.  It is insane.  Most of all, it's unfair on the girls.  In other words, this is not about civil rights, but rather another crazy idea coming from the left!

It makes me happy to see that states are moving in the direction of stopping this insanity, as we see in The Wall Street Journal:

More statehouses are wading into the contentious debate over the participation of transgender athletes in men's and women's sports.

In recent weeks, Republican legislators in at least five states have drafted measures aimed at preventing athletes from competing in categories different than their biological sex. 

Lawmakers say they are specifically concerned about female athletes facing unfair competition.

The bills — introduced or prefiled in New Hampshire, Washington, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri—reflect growing attention around the issue of whether transgender-rights protections are leading to unfair competition in women's sports.

Policies regulating the eligibility of transgender high-school athletes are usually set by school associations and vary. 

In about a third of states, transgender students can freely compete on teams of the gender they identify with, according to transathlete.com, which tracks athletics policies nationwide.

It will probably take a bit of time for this to unfold.  However, let's hope that it goes to the Supreme Court, where I'm confident of a favorable opinion.

Furthermore, this is an issue that President Trump needs to wrap around the neck of the Democratic Party's presidential nominee.  Force the Democrats to defend this in the campaign and see where that goes.

P.S.: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

As the uncle of five nieces, I'm furious with the idea that boys are competing as girls in athletic matters.  It is insane.  Most of all, it's unfair on the girls.  In other words, this is not about civil rights, but rather another crazy idea coming from the left!

It makes me happy to see that states are moving in the direction of stopping this insanity, as we see in The Wall Street Journal:

More statehouses are wading into the contentious debate over the participation of transgender athletes in men's and women's sports.

In recent weeks, Republican legislators in at least five states have drafted measures aimed at preventing athletes from competing in categories different than their biological sex. 

Lawmakers say they are specifically concerned about female athletes facing unfair competition.

The bills — introduced or prefiled in New Hampshire, Washington, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri—reflect growing attention around the issue of whether transgender-rights protections are leading to unfair competition in women's sports.

Policies regulating the eligibility of transgender high-school athletes are usually set by school associations and vary. 

In about a third of states, transgender students can freely compete on teams of the gender they identify with, according to transathlete.com, which tracks athletics policies nationwide.

It will probably take a bit of time for this to unfold.  However, let's hope that it goes to the Supreme Court, where I'm confident of a favorable opinion.

Furthermore, this is an issue that President Trump needs to wrap around the neck of the Democratic Party's presidential nominee.  Force the Democrats to defend this in the campaign and see where that goes.

P.S.: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.