Signs of political collapse in Iran

Khamenei and the inevitable risk The disqualification of 90 incumbent members of parliament (Majlis) for the next parliamentary elections to be held on February 22 in Iran indicates the intention of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to consolidate his regime so he can thwart the crises that have been plaguing it. The disqualified parliamentarians belong to groups other than Khamenei's inner circle and were disqualified by the unelected Guardian Council, which is entirely and exclusively under the direct control of Khamenei.  The supreme leader, however, knows better than anyone else what kind of risks such purging of current M.P.s and other candidates poses. But what other option is left for Iran's religious dictatorship?  In a country rich in natural resources, where more than two thirds of the population is  living below the poverty line, unemployment is raging among the younger generation, especially the most educated, who cry freedom and...(Read Full Post)
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