Stephanoupoulos caught pulling the puppet strings at ABC News?

Is George Stephanopoulos, the Ben Rhodes of Bill Clinton administration for spinning bimbo eruptions to the press, now pulling the content strings at ABC News?

Sure seems like it, what with this little clip accidentally showing the former White House advisor drawing a line across his throat to cut President Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekulow from more than minimal screen time:

Here's the clip:

Here's what Conservative Treehouse, which first noticed the matter, had to say about it:

During a broadcast segment on ABC news reporters in the Capitol were interviewing President Trump defense attorney Jay Sekulow.

Back in the ABC studio, Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos did not want to see ABC broadcasting statements from the defense and he is caught on camera using hand signals to tell the producers to cut-off the broadcast.   Stephanopoulos realized he was caught:

It's far from the only evidence out there that something is going on.

Here's another one where some hidden producer, probably speaking into her earphone, seemed to be whispering into Alisyn Camerota's ear to shut it down as she spoke of public opposition to impeachment based on President Trump's stellar record:



Sure enough, Stephanopoulos's old buddy from the Clinton years, lyin' Joe Lockhart, announced his agreement with the uncomfortable points Camerota raised, too. Funny how those Clintonites have their nose for uncomfortable news. It was pretty clear that at least one Clintonite viewed those uncomfortable truths as poison to Democrats and didn't want that issue brought up at all.

It gets worse. Here's more evidence pointing to Stephanopoulos calling the shots from last November. I wrote about that here:

Project Veritas broke a scandal a couple of days ago, featuring an unwitting ABC News anchor, Amy Robach, fuming angrily that she had the Jeffrey Epstein scoop three years ago, with solid reporting, and ABC News refused to run it. Unlike Ronan Farrow, who quit NBC News on principle after the network spiked his Harvey Weinstein story and took his scoop to the New Yorker, (winning a richly deserved Pulitzer prize for it), Robach, for whatever reason, stayed on the job and decided to get along to go along, keeping her mouth shut. She's obviously found herself in hot water since the Veritas tape, and has since disavowed the interview, robotically saying her own work didn't meet journalistic 'standards' just like the good public relations people told her. Here's some of the stuff that did, for contrast. Ain't life fun when you're a media puppet? 

I asked how many more spiked stories might be out there, noting:

Funny how many involve the Clintons and their allies.

Robach, in this interview and beyond, said the spiking was all about keeping in good with the British royal family, one of whose members, Prince Andrew, has been implicated in the Epstein scandal. The brass supposedly wanted some interviews from them.

It sounds like a smokescreen, and fortunately, we have Katie Pavlich to call bee ess. She spoke with Tucker Carlson last night, pointing out the far more likely possibility: George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton confidant and bagman turned ABC News frontman, was likely behind it, particularly since the revelations came out right about when Hillary Clinton was running for president and the media, including him, was going all out to protect her.

...and this...

Would he do it? Well, recall that in the movie called "The War Room" about the early days of the Clinton campaign, Steph was overheard on the phone threatening a journalist if a story was not killed. He was vicious.

Stephanopoulos has carried water for the Clintons for years, sitting on the Clinton Foundation board, which was House Clinton's de facto route for disguised bribery. He also went to a dinner party for Clinton's revolting buddy, Epstein, right after he got out of jail on a diluted child prostitution rap, something which was like a drunk driver being convicted for spitting on the sidewalk. Stephanopoulos knew, and no, he didn't treat Epstein like a pariah. He partied with him. And he's also a bigshot at ABC News.

That's the part of the Epstein story nobody in the press wants us to think about. The Clintons don't want us to.

Bottom line, Stephanoupoulos is and remains a Clinton loyalist, hanging out with Epstein as the Clintons did, and making $75,000 in undisclosed donations to corrupt pay-for-play Clinton Foundation, something for which he was curiously unpunished, even though much bigger fish, such as Brian Williams, doing similar stuff, were made to pay. Now Stephanopoulos seems to be manipulating the news for the impeachment trial, doing his utmost to spin the story in the Democrats' direction, quite possible to please his original taskmaster Hillary Clinton.

It's like the Clintons control the entire network and George is happy to be the little pawn.

With an increasingly clear string of events like this, is it any wonder the public doesn't trust the media?

Image credit: ABC News / Grabien screen shot

Is George Stephanopoulos, the Ben Rhodes of Bill Clinton administration for spinning bimbo eruptions to the press, now pulling the content strings at ABC News?

Sure seems like it, what with this little clip accidentally showing the former White House advisor drawing a line across his throat to cut President Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekulow from more than minimal screen time:

Here's the clip:

Here's what Conservative Treehouse, which first noticed the matter, had to say about it:

During a broadcast segment on ABC news reporters in the Capitol were interviewing President Trump defense attorney Jay Sekulow.

Back in the ABC studio, Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos did not want to see ABC broadcasting statements from the defense and he is caught on camera using hand signals to tell the producers to cut-off the broadcast.   Stephanopoulos realized he was caught:

It's far from the only evidence out there that something is going on.

Here's another one where some hidden producer, probably speaking into her earphone, seemed to be whispering into Alisyn Camerota's ear to shut it down as she spoke of public opposition to impeachment based on President Trump's stellar record:



Sure enough, Stephanopoulos's old buddy from the Clinton years, lyin' Joe Lockhart, announced his agreement with the uncomfortable points Camerota raised, too. Funny how those Clintonites have their nose for uncomfortable news. It was pretty clear that at least one Clintonite viewed those uncomfortable truths as poison to Democrats and didn't want that issue brought up at all.

It gets worse. Here's more evidence pointing to Stephanopoulos calling the shots from last November. I wrote about that here:

Project Veritas broke a scandal a couple of days ago, featuring an unwitting ABC News anchor, Amy Robach, fuming angrily that she had the Jeffrey Epstein scoop three years ago, with solid reporting, and ABC News refused to run it. Unlike Ronan Farrow, who quit NBC News on principle after the network spiked his Harvey Weinstein story and took his scoop to the New Yorker, (winning a richly deserved Pulitzer prize for it), Robach, for whatever reason, stayed on the job and decided to get along to go along, keeping her mouth shut. She's obviously found herself in hot water since the Veritas tape, and has since disavowed the interview, robotically saying her own work didn't meet journalistic 'standards' just like the good public relations people told her. Here's some of the stuff that did, for contrast. Ain't life fun when you're a media puppet? 

I asked how many more spiked stories might be out there, noting:

Funny how many involve the Clintons and their allies.

Robach, in this interview and beyond, said the spiking was all about keeping in good with the British royal family, one of whose members, Prince Andrew, has been implicated in the Epstein scandal. The brass supposedly wanted some interviews from them.

It sounds like a smokescreen, and fortunately, we have Katie Pavlich to call bee ess. She spoke with Tucker Carlson last night, pointing out the far more likely possibility: George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton confidant and bagman turned ABC News frontman, was likely behind it, particularly since the revelations came out right about when Hillary Clinton was running for president and the media, including him, was going all out to protect her.

...and this...

Would he do it? Well, recall that in the movie called "The War Room" about the early days of the Clinton campaign, Steph was overheard on the phone threatening a journalist if a story was not killed. He was vicious.

Stephanopoulos has carried water for the Clintons for years, sitting on the Clinton Foundation board, which was House Clinton's de facto route for disguised bribery. He also went to a dinner party for Clinton's revolting buddy, Epstein, right after he got out of jail on a diluted child prostitution rap, something which was like a drunk driver being convicted for spitting on the sidewalk. Stephanopoulos knew, and no, he didn't treat Epstein like a pariah. He partied with him. And he's also a bigshot at ABC News.

That's the part of the Epstein story nobody in the press wants us to think about. The Clintons don't want us to.

Bottom line, Stephanoupoulos is and remains a Clinton loyalist, hanging out with Epstein as the Clintons did, and making $75,000 in undisclosed donations to corrupt pay-for-play Clinton Foundation, something for which he was curiously unpunished, even though much bigger fish, such as Brian Williams, doing similar stuff, were made to pay. Now Stephanopoulos seems to be manipulating the news for the impeachment trial, doing his utmost to spin the story in the Democrats' direction, quite possible to please his original taskmaster Hillary Clinton.

It's like the Clintons control the entire network and George is happy to be the little pawn.

With an increasingly clear string of events like this, is it any wonder the public doesn't trust the media?

Image credit: ABC News / Grabien screen shot