Taco Bell trumps Biden and Bernie

Things are so bad in America, we are told Gen Z has embraced Bernie Sanders socialism just as a way to get by. Meanwhile the ever unhelpful Joe Biden advises unemployed coal miners to "learn to code."  Apparently, the great-paying Ukraine energy sector, where they might even have some demonstrated aptitude, is no longer hiring.

Then this story comes along: Taco Bell paying managers six figures!  That isn't even the highest in the industry; places in California like In-And-Out are so desperate to get decent managers that they pay half again that amount.


And it's not just California.  Even in my modestly growing fly-over hometown, the Fight for $15 is over without a shot or law being fired.  If you have a pulse and can pass a drug test, the giant UPS hub will match that, and with great benefits.  And a mere high school grad here can find plenty of ordinary jobs paying better.

Overall national data about the booming Trump economy confirm all this.  As I have written before, we are in a demographic sweet spot for jobs the next several decades.    

Mike Rowe has even built a whole media empire just showing people all the interesting, well paid jobs (sometimes gross, but never dangerous) that are available without any college experience.

There's one catch: an employee actually has to show up on time and do the work competently.  That's a big stretch for the Ruling Class Democrats.

Hunter Biden isn't the only guy who made out big without doing anything but "network."  Consider that Bill Clinton was never in a courtroom (at least as an attorney), and yet Dem cronies got him a job as a law professor, and then Arkansas power-brokers handed him the attorney general post two years after he passed the bar exam.  Daughter Chelsea, as Democrat royalty by 2000, started out with an amazingly well paid series of jobs. 

Likewise, Barack Obama, just out of school, appeared only once in a courtroom, taking a job with a liberal law firm that paid him to do politics.  He also was a part-time law school instructor (trust me, world's easiest prestige job; even a dummkopf can do it).  The generous University of Chicago would later give Michelle Obama a $300K no-work job as her husband climbed the political ladder.  Apparently, Michelle was irreplaceable, as the position was ended once she left.

Hillary Clinton did, from time to time, show up in court for the Rose Law firm, being named one of the country's 100 most influential lawyers by the National Law Journal.  This was proven a joke.  She was influential by being on the board of Legal Services Corporation and other liberal causes while serving as the fundraising cut-out for the many Bill Clinton payoffs, as in Cattlegate.

It's not so much that the Ruling Class Dems have never worked outside government; it's all the sleazy, dishonest jobs they finagle in the private and non-profit sectors.  That leaves them out of touch with how ordinary Americans make a living.  Perhaps now, with so many people spending their days between real work and family, there will be less interest in grievance politics and its well compensated promoters.

Frank Friday is an attorney in Louisville, Ky.

Photo credit: Mike Mozart.

Things are so bad in America, we are told Gen Z has embraced Bernie Sanders socialism just as a way to get by. Meanwhile the ever unhelpful Joe Biden advises unemployed coal miners to "learn to code."  Apparently, the great-paying Ukraine energy sector, where they might even have some demonstrated aptitude, is no longer hiring.

Then this story comes along: Taco Bell paying managers six figures!  That isn't even the highest in the industry; places in California like In-And-Out are so desperate to get decent managers that they pay half again that amount.


And it's not just California.  Even in my modestly growing fly-over hometown, the Fight for $15 is over without a shot or law being fired.  If you have a pulse and can pass a drug test, the giant UPS hub will match that, and with great benefits.  And a mere high school grad here can find plenty of ordinary jobs paying better.

Overall national data about the booming Trump economy confirm all this.  As I have written before, we are in a demographic sweet spot for jobs the next several decades.    

Mike Rowe has even built a whole media empire just showing people all the interesting, well paid jobs (sometimes gross, but never dangerous) that are available without any college experience.

There's one catch: an employee actually has to show up on time and do the work competently.  That's a big stretch for the Ruling Class Democrats.

Hunter Biden isn't the only guy who made out big without doing anything but "network."  Consider that Bill Clinton was never in a courtroom (at least as an attorney), and yet Dem cronies got him a job as a law professor, and then Arkansas power-brokers handed him the attorney general post two years after he passed the bar exam.  Daughter Chelsea, as Democrat royalty by 2000, started out with an amazingly well paid series of jobs. 

Likewise, Barack Obama, just out of school, appeared only once in a courtroom, taking a job with a liberal law firm that paid him to do politics.  He also was a part-time law school instructor (trust me, world's easiest prestige job; even a dummkopf can do it).  The generous University of Chicago would later give Michelle Obama a $300K no-work job as her husband climbed the political ladder.  Apparently, Michelle was irreplaceable, as the position was ended once she left.

Hillary Clinton did, from time to time, show up in court for the Rose Law firm, being named one of the country's 100 most influential lawyers by the National Law Journal.  This was proven a joke.  She was influential by being on the board of Legal Services Corporation and other liberal causes while serving as the fundraising cut-out for the many Bill Clinton payoffs, as in Cattlegate.

It's not so much that the Ruling Class Dems have never worked outside government; it's all the sleazy, dishonest jobs they finagle in the private and non-profit sectors.  That leaves them out of touch with how ordinary Americans make a living.  Perhaps now, with so many people spending their days between real work and family, there will be less interest in grievance politics and its well compensated promoters.

Frank Friday is an attorney in Louisville, Ky.

Photo credit: Mike Mozart.