The case for Republicans calling impeachment witnesses

Consider Speaker Nancy Pelosi's break from reality answering a reporter's question Thursday on whether President Trump will become emboldened after he is acquitted by the Senate:

You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial. You don't have a trial if you don't have witnesses and documentation and that [sic].  I would hope that the senators, if it comes to a tie or if there's a question of hearing testimony or receiving documents, would leave it up to the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

Everyone knows that Trump will be acquitted, and those familiar with the legal system also know that in a court of law, the case would already have been thrown out on a defense motion to strike and dismiss the case because of the unconstitutional irregularities in the House proceedings.

The consensus among Republicans is to vote on the sham impeachment without calling additional witnesses.

I understand the argument.  Legally, I agree with it.

But this is a partisan, political impeachment.

If the president is acquitted without calling additional witnesses, the Democrat Party will claim, and hence the news media narrative will be, that Trump obstructed and beat the system because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate.  The Democrats and their media will scream bloody murder.  To the low-information crowd, Trump will have cheated again.  Trump had something to hide, and justice was not served.  You can hear it now — because they have been saying it all along.

When Joe Biden called a potential supporter a "damn liar" at a campaign event in Iowa for daring to bring up his Burisma-Ukraine corruption, most in the audience were not even aware that Joe had turned his Ukraine opportunity into an ATM for Hunter Biden.

For many in our country, their knowledge of the presidential race is based entirely upon the reporting of the Democrat Party news media.

We all know that a special prosecutor should be appointed to look into Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine and China.  But after acquittal without additional witnesses, I don't believe that Trump's Justice Department will have the stomach to appoint a special prosecutor.  (James Comey has yet to be prosecuted even though he was referred for prosecution.)

Two things must happen in the Senate first.

Firstly, the Democrats must be utterly vanquished in the Senate.  Let them have John Bolton testify as the Republicans call the so-called whistleblower, the Bidens, and Adam Schiff's staff.

Let the sham impeachment play out.  Let's find out whether the so-called whistleblower is a Democrat Party activist who had been scheming with Schiff to take out Trump.

You know that Senators Warren and Sanders do not want to be tied to their Senate seats for months when they could be campaigning.  But that should be the price of the Democrats' sham impeachment for them.

The Democrats cannot be allowed to have any post-impeachment political life.  They cannot be allowed to hide their bumps and bruises and walk out of the chambers claiming victory — but for the cheating of Trump.  Their deceitful rhetoric of Trump "cheating" and "hiding evidence" and "obstructing justice" must die an ugly death in the U.S. Senate.  Their impeachment scam must be exposed for what it is: yet another plot to take out the president.

Anything short of total victory for the Republicans in the Senate could end up hurting the president and helping the Democrats in the long run.

Secondly, so far as Joe Biden is concerned, the case for a special prosecutor to investigate him and his illegitimate beneficiaries must be fully made in the Senate.  The evidence of corruption is overwhelming.  If the trial concludes after witnesses are called, the Democrats and their media friends will have nothing to fall back on.  Once the president's defense team is finished with the Bidens, a criminal investigation will follow naturally after the president is acquitted.

For those reasons, I would like to see the Republicans call Shifty Schiff's bluff and let everything come into the light.  The truth helps Trump.  The truth will most likely make the Democrats unelectable in 2020.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

Consider Speaker Nancy Pelosi's break from reality answering a reporter's question Thursday on whether President Trump will become emboldened after he is acquitted by the Senate:

You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial. You don't have a trial if you don't have witnesses and documentation and that [sic].  I would hope that the senators, if it comes to a tie or if there's a question of hearing testimony or receiving documents, would leave it up to the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

Everyone knows that Trump will be acquitted, and those familiar with the legal system also know that in a court of law, the case would already have been thrown out on a defense motion to strike and dismiss the case because of the unconstitutional irregularities in the House proceedings.

The consensus among Republicans is to vote on the sham impeachment without calling additional witnesses.

I understand the argument.  Legally, I agree with it.

But this is a partisan, political impeachment.

If the president is acquitted without calling additional witnesses, the Democrat Party will claim, and hence the news media narrative will be, that Trump obstructed and beat the system because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate.  The Democrats and their media will scream bloody murder.  To the low-information crowd, Trump will have cheated again.  Trump had something to hide, and justice was not served.  You can hear it now — because they have been saying it all along.

When Joe Biden called a potential supporter a "damn liar" at a campaign event in Iowa for daring to bring up his Burisma-Ukraine corruption, most in the audience were not even aware that Joe had turned his Ukraine opportunity into an ATM for Hunter Biden.

For many in our country, their knowledge of the presidential race is based entirely upon the reporting of the Democrat Party news media.

We all know that a special prosecutor should be appointed to look into Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine and China.  But after acquittal without additional witnesses, I don't believe that Trump's Justice Department will have the stomach to appoint a special prosecutor.  (James Comey has yet to be prosecuted even though he was referred for prosecution.)

Two things must happen in the Senate first.

Firstly, the Democrats must be utterly vanquished in the Senate.  Let them have John Bolton testify as the Republicans call the so-called whistleblower, the Bidens, and Adam Schiff's staff.

Let the sham impeachment play out.  Let's find out whether the so-called whistleblower is a Democrat Party activist who had been scheming with Schiff to take out Trump.

You know that Senators Warren and Sanders do not want to be tied to their Senate seats for months when they could be campaigning.  But that should be the price of the Democrats' sham impeachment for them.

The Democrats cannot be allowed to have any post-impeachment political life.  They cannot be allowed to hide their bumps and bruises and walk out of the chambers claiming victory — but for the cheating of Trump.  Their deceitful rhetoric of Trump "cheating" and "hiding evidence" and "obstructing justice" must die an ugly death in the U.S. Senate.  Their impeachment scam must be exposed for what it is: yet another plot to take out the president.

Anything short of total victory for the Republicans in the Senate could end up hurting the president and helping the Democrats in the long run.

Secondly, so far as Joe Biden is concerned, the case for a special prosecutor to investigate him and his illegitimate beneficiaries must be fully made in the Senate.  The evidence of corruption is overwhelming.  If the trial concludes after witnesses are called, the Democrats and their media friends will have nothing to fall back on.  Once the president's defense team is finished with the Bidens, a criminal investigation will follow naturally after the president is acquitted.

For those reasons, I would like to see the Republicans call Shifty Schiff's bluff and let everything come into the light.  The truth helps Trump.  The truth will most likely make the Democrats unelectable in 2020.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.