The key to Democratic victory in November!

The internet was abuzz yesterday over CNN's anchor Don Lemon, CNN contributor Wajahat Ali, and former GOP strategist Rick Wilson giggling together on air about just how stupid Trump voters really are.

They are stupid, you see, because Donald Trump is a Very Bad Man.

This is pretty much what passes as an argument among NPC liberals and the controlled media: Orange Man Bad.

The problem is, it isn't enough.

The country already knows Trump's many flaws.  It doesn't care.

Trump is in a knife fight with Deep State bureaucrats (like CIA chief John Brennan and disgraced FBI director James Comey) who have been feathering their own nests for decades.

Rather than joining the fray on the side of the American people, liberals and NeverTrump Republicans are clutching their pearls because Trump occasionally says curse words.  He's so, so unpresidential.

The truth is, Trump won because half the voting public is tired of racist "woke" Democrats trying to shove their elitist ideology down people's throats — pretending, among other things, that "not every woman has a vagina."

Rather than asking for votes, the Democrats' tactic is to insult all those who disagree with them just so they can feel superior and righteous.  Sorry, but the shaming campaigns no longer work, if they ever did.

As for Trump's popularity, his approval ratings are about even with those of Barack Obama at this time in his presidency — and higher today than they were before the impeachment farce.

It's also becoming increasingly clear that the careerist politician Joe Biden isn't going to be the Democrat nominee.  With due respect to his age, he can't remember what state he is in on any given day.

It looks as though the "woke" fringe of Democrat primary voters is about to nominate as their candidate a self-described socialist who spent his honeymoon touring the Soviet Union.

Bernie Sanders has promised so many free government programs — free health care to everyone regardless of citizenship, free college, free forgiveness of all student loans — even he has no clue how he will pay for it all.

No, given the clowns the Democrats have in their line-up, the country will take the orange devil they know — along with the booming economy — rather take a chance on the socialist fantasies the Dems have on offer.

My advice for them: Just keep chanting, "Orange Man Bad!  Orange Man Bad!"

This is all it will take to win in 2020.

You don't have to make rational arguments, offer reasonable plans for bettering people's lives.

The Deplorables don't deserve better lives anyway.  They're all racists and homophobes.

No, just keep chanting, "Orange Man Bad."

That's all you need to do.  It sure worked four years ago.

Robert J. Hutchinson writes about the intersection of politics and ideas.  He is the author of What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination.

The internet was abuzz yesterday over CNN's anchor Don Lemon, CNN contributor Wajahat Ali, and former GOP strategist Rick Wilson giggling together on air about just how stupid Trump voters really are.

They are stupid, you see, because Donald Trump is a Very Bad Man.

This is pretty much what passes as an argument among NPC liberals and the controlled media: Orange Man Bad.

The problem is, it isn't enough.

The country already knows Trump's many flaws.  It doesn't care.

Trump is in a knife fight with Deep State bureaucrats (like CIA chief John Brennan and disgraced FBI director James Comey) who have been feathering their own nests for decades.

Rather than joining the fray on the side of the American people, liberals and NeverTrump Republicans are clutching their pearls because Trump occasionally says curse words.  He's so, so unpresidential.

The truth is, Trump won because half the voting public is tired of racist "woke" Democrats trying to shove their elitist ideology down people's throats — pretending, among other things, that "not every woman has a vagina."

Rather than asking for votes, the Democrats' tactic is to insult all those who disagree with them just so they can feel superior and righteous.  Sorry, but the shaming campaigns no longer work, if they ever did.

As for Trump's popularity, his approval ratings are about even with those of Barack Obama at this time in his presidency — and higher today than they were before the impeachment farce.

It's also becoming increasingly clear that the careerist politician Joe Biden isn't going to be the Democrat nominee.  With due respect to his age, he can't remember what state he is in on any given day.

It looks as though the "woke" fringe of Democrat primary voters is about to nominate as their candidate a self-described socialist who spent his honeymoon touring the Soviet Union.

Bernie Sanders has promised so many free government programs — free health care to everyone regardless of citizenship, free college, free forgiveness of all student loans — even he has no clue how he will pay for it all.

No, given the clowns the Democrats have in their line-up, the country will take the orange devil they know — along with the booming economy — rather take a chance on the socialist fantasies the Dems have on offer.

My advice for them: Just keep chanting, "Orange Man Bad!  Orange Man Bad!"

This is all it will take to win in 2020.

You don't have to make rational arguments, offer reasonable plans for bettering people's lives.

The Deplorables don't deserve better lives anyway.  They're all racists and homophobes.

No, just keep chanting, "Orange Man Bad."

That's all you need to do.  It sure worked four years ago.

Robert J. Hutchinson writes about the intersection of politics and ideas.  He is the author of What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination.