The question of the year for the Democrats’ presidential nominee

There is one question that is like kryptonite for the Democrats running for president. It’s a simple one that the vast majority of voters know the answer to, but for which is there is no good answer for a Democrat.

In responding to this question, a Democrat either alienates a large number of voters, or else he or she antagonizes a vocal faction of the Democrats’ base, one which is unlikely to quietly accept the need to pander to voters whom they regard as troglodytes.

We got a preview a few months ago of how difficult this question is for a Democrat, and how quickly a candidate shuts down its discussion.

The simple question: How many genders are there?

Watch Joe Biden respond to it in this tweet:

As the Democrat party embraces insane policies, it is the duty of Republicans to corner them into either vocally affirming the madness or angering the portion of their base fully committed to the ridiculousness. Fortunately, President Trump is not shy, and will be sharing a debate stage where he can ask the question and follow up with a demand for specifics, such as naming those genders.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (cropped)

There is one question that is like kryptonite for the Democrats running for president. It’s a simple one that the vast majority of voters know the answer to, but for which is there is no good answer for a Democrat.

In responding to this question, a Democrat either alienates a large number of voters, or else he or she antagonizes a vocal faction of the Democrats’ base, one which is unlikely to quietly accept the need to pander to voters whom they regard as troglodytes.

We got a preview a few months ago of how difficult this question is for a Democrat, and how quickly a candidate shuts down its discussion.

The simple question: How many genders are there?

Watch Joe Biden respond to it in this tweet:

As the Democrat party embraces insane policies, it is the duty of Republicans to corner them into either vocally affirming the madness or angering the portion of their base fully committed to the ridiculousness. Fortunately, President Trump is not shy, and will be sharing a debate stage where he can ask the question and follow up with a demand for specifics, such as naming those genders.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (cropped)