Trump's Green New Deal

President Trump is the author of the Green New Deal. No, I don't mean the liberals' unpalatable proposal of spending a trillion dollars to change the temperature one degree over a hundred years to save the planet because  we're all gonna die next week, or next year, or whenever.  I'm talking about the seven trillion dollars in "green" that the president's uncompromising, unapologetic capitalist policies have generated since his election.  

Trump's Green New Deal has been a major boon to the IRAs of everyday Americans, university endowments as well as teachers, and firemen and police union pension funds.  Entrepreneurs, unshackled by business-unfriendly Obama-imposed regulations, are starting businesses in record numbers.  Corporations, unburdened by higher taxes, are staying in or moving back to America.  Minorities and women are the beneficiaries  of the lowest unemployment figures in half a century.  Middle-class families have five thousand more dollars in their pockets because of the president's tax cuts. 

Meanwhile, the daily Trump tantrums on MSNBC, CNN, and the other major media outlets save Fox, coupled with the bellicose behavior of Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters (compelling her supporters to publicly harass members of the trump administration), make it clear that the more apt name for the Left's new stance is the Mean New Deal.  Examples of leftists' 24/7 venom include confronting both Ted Cruz and Sarah Sanders and their families as they ate at public restaurants, forcing their exits; Antifa brutally beating people up who don't agree with its so-called progressive views; the near murder at a baseball field of Representative Steve Scalise; the vicious beating of Senator Rand Paul in his front yard; the attempt to take down Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with the three-decades-old, unsubstantiated accusation of a "rape attempt" from the highly dubious "victim," Christine Blasey Ford; and

the politically motivated sham Mueller investigation and impeachment of the president with zero proof that he committed a single crime.

These are but a few examples of how dangerously nasty the left has become to its fellow citizens and to our country.  And these are people who consider themselves the true purveyors of peace, love, and understanding.  Not. 

Americans are quite happy with Trump's Green New Deal while they are forced to tolerate the Left's Mean New Deal. 

Seth Swirsky is a songwriter and painter living in Los Angeles.

Image: Fox News via YouTube.

President Trump is the author of the Green New Deal. No, I don't mean the liberals' unpalatable proposal of spending a trillion dollars to change the temperature one degree over a hundred years to save the planet because  we're all gonna die next week, or next year, or whenever.  I'm talking about the seven trillion dollars in "green" that the president's uncompromising, unapologetic capitalist policies have generated since his election.  

Trump's Green New Deal has been a major boon to the IRAs of everyday Americans, university endowments as well as teachers, and firemen and police union pension funds.  Entrepreneurs, unshackled by business-unfriendly Obama-imposed regulations, are starting businesses in record numbers.  Corporations, unburdened by higher taxes, are staying in or moving back to America.  Minorities and women are the beneficiaries  of the lowest unemployment figures in half a century.  Middle-class families have five thousand more dollars in their pockets because of the president's tax cuts. 

Meanwhile, the daily Trump tantrums on MSNBC, CNN, and the other major media outlets save Fox, coupled with the bellicose behavior of Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters (compelling her supporters to publicly harass members of the trump administration), make it clear that the more apt name for the Left's new stance is the Mean New Deal.  Examples of leftists' 24/7 venom include confronting both Ted Cruz and Sarah Sanders and their families as they ate at public restaurants, forcing their exits; Antifa brutally beating people up who don't agree with its so-called progressive views; the near murder at a baseball field of Representative Steve Scalise; the vicious beating of Senator Rand Paul in his front yard; the attempt to take down Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with the three-decades-old, unsubstantiated accusation of a "rape attempt" from the highly dubious "victim," Christine Blasey Ford; and

the politically motivated sham Mueller investigation and impeachment of the president with zero proof that he committed a single crime.

These are but a few examples of how dangerously nasty the left has become to its fellow citizens and to our country.  And these are people who consider themselves the true purveyors of peace, love, and understanding.  Not. 

Americans are quite happy with Trump's Green New Deal while they are forced to tolerate the Left's Mean New Deal. 

Seth Swirsky is a songwriter and painter living in Los Angeles.

Image: Fox News via YouTube.