Bernie Sanders is hiding critical heart health information

What would happen if the Democrats' nominee is incapacitated or worse between July and November 3?  It's an important question — as serious as a heart attack. 

I wish Bernie Sanders nothing but continued good health, but I am deeply worried about the possibility of a second heart attack, possibly far worse than the one he had a few months ago.  Now that he is the presumptive leader for the Democrats' nomination, the entire nation faces the possibility of chaos should he be stricken disabled, or possibly even killed by a heart overwhelmed by the rigors of a heated campaign — especially if he already is the Democrats' nominee.

Compounding my fear is the cover-up by the Sanders campaign of the single most important bit of medical information about his heart health.  Via Joshua Caplan of Breitbart:

Dr. Richard Kovacs, president of the American College of Cardiology, said Sanders has not released metrics on the left ventricular ejection fraction, which measures the blood volume that the heart pushes out with each heartbeat. This indicator tracks the likelihood of future heart events and patients' mortality rate.

"Normally the heart will push out 60 percent," he told NBC News. "If you go down to 40 or 50 percent, we regard that as mild impairment of the left ventricle. Thirty to 40 percent would be moderate. If you get to 30 percent, that would be severe."

Despite Kovacs' comments, Sanders has refused to provide additional information about his health after releasing what the senator claimed was a "comprehensive" medical records report.

"I think we have released a detailed medical report, and I'm comfortable on what we have done," the 78-year-old said during a CNN town hall event last Tuesday evening.

I realize that it is more polite to ignore this issue.  Medical privacy and compassion for an elderly man afflicted by a serious health issue are all well and good.  But the welfare of the Democrat party and the legitimacy of the forthcoming election are at issue if a poorly timed heart incident incapacitates Sanders.

This is a cover-up of information the public ought to expect from a leading candidate for president.  It is time for Sanders to end the cover-up.  And I am as serious as a heart attack.

Image credit: Pixabay.

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