Cuckoo clock: Strzok strikes again

After getting publicly fired for attempting to overthrow a duly elected president, and finding himself subject of a play called "FBI Lovebirds," you'd think disgraced former FBI counterintelligence man Peter Strzok would be anxious to return to anonymity and keep out of the now acquitted President Trump's sightline.

Not Strzok.

Coming in the wake of the brouhaha over President Trump's effort to get rid of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who testified against him in the House impeachment hearings, Strzok's now making public threats to reveal new things to Get Trump, sounding as if he misses all the attention.

According to the Washington Examiner:

Peter Strzok says he is ready to respond to President Trump's "attacks."

The former FBI agent reviled by Trump and his allies tweeted Thursday evening, something he rarely does, to respond to the president who mocked him and fellow FBI alumna Lisa Page hours earlier at the White House.

He shared a message from his lawyer, Aitan Goelman, who said: "Angered by the disclosures of yet more instances of his betrayal of our national security in the service of his own political advantage, President Trump raged and threatened those public servants tasked with investigating or testifying about his serial misconduct."

Goelman added, "Peter Strzok, a patriotic career counterintelligence agent whose conduct in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has been vindicated by two independent IG investigations, today found himself targeted by his President in yet another unhinged attack .... "

Strzok himself teased a further response.

"I will have a great deal more to say about the president’s attacks on those with responsibility for holding him accountable. America deserves better," Strzok said.

Which is not only insolent threat-making, it's likely an empty threat. Strzok had his time in the spotlight to spit out all he "knew" of President Trump and it's just now, two years after he got the boot at the FBI, that he says he has new revelations coming?

This is ridiculous stuff.  Strzok knows nothing that's not already been revealed in the inspector general's report, which left FBI agents involved in spying on Trump sorely criticized. 

Now he's got a big reveal coming out?  It sounds as though he's been taking cues about big scoops that never happen from the Adam Schiff playbook.

Cuckoo.  Cuckoo...

Strzok's been out of the FBI for two years now but would have you think he's got great contacts on the inside who still tell him things, and he plans to reveal that magic holy grail of information that will finally bring down Trump. 

The other problem is the arrogance of his tweet, apparently defending now fired White House official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, by saying it's Vindman's job to hold Trump accountable.

It's ridiculous.  And so is he, completely unable to take himself out of the camera range.  One can only hope Trump takes this blue mess down sooner rather than later, same as he did with the others.

Image credit: Twitter screen shot.

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