Getting to know Rush

Like many of you, I was shocked to hear about Rush Limbaugh and lung cancer.  By coincidence, I tuned in just as he was explaining his situation.

Back in the fall of 1990, I was working on several projects down in Ciudad Juárez on the other side of the border from El Paso, Texas.  Juárez was a lot quieter back then.

My work required me to fly to El Paso on Monday morning and spend a couple of days in Ciudad Juárez.  My plane from Dallas landed around 10:45 local time, and then I rented a car for the drive across the border.

A few minutes after 11 A.M., Rush would come on, and I loved the show.  It was so different from anything on the radio those days.

Later, I found Rush on Dallas radio, and I've been listening ever since.  He is wonderful and at times so hilariously funny.  Remember the one about Sharpton and Jackson, the Justice Brothers?  Or President Clinton talking to Anne Richards and Mario Cuomo after the 1994 elections?

Rush's success is that he is so genuine.  He actually believes what he is saying.

And he loves the U.S. and what it stands for.

How much will we miss a full-time Rush every day talking about politics and everything else?  I will miss him a lot.

How much will I miss him?  I can't wait to hear what he has to say about this Iowa disaster on Tuesday night.  I hope that he can tell us soon!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Photo credit: Rush

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