Our house divided

Abraham Lincoln, upon accepting his party's nomination for U.S. Senate, began his famed 1858 address with this line: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  He was talking about slave and free states.  His prescient oration preceded the Emancipation Proclamation, which in turn preceded the abolishment of slavery.

Fast-forward to today's house divided, a dysfunctional dwelling where the occupants are waging war.  The ceaseless battle from within has mainly been fueled by generations of anti-American factions, rendering a sizeable populace blind to our country's greatness.  In our house divided, the left side has redefined greatness, assigning it to ill fated cultural and political outcomes, such as Roe v. Wade and the progressive regime of Barack Hussein Obama.  Modern greatness as decreed by their wing of the edifice includes the emergence of sanctuary cities, justice (meaning free rein and free stuff) for illegals and the homeless, and the movement to awaken much of the citizenry to the scourge of white privilege. 

The right side of the dwelling find themselves engaged in a battle royale for the house divided.  Their foundation arose through the blood, sweat, and tears of righteous men and women and through the handiwork of God Almighty.  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is their construct, not creeping immorality, secularism, and equality of outcomes.  They long for a peaceful existence but are incessantly hassled, falsely accused, and relentlessly persecuted by the churlish, ungrateful occupants residing alongside them.

This house divided is now at a crossroads, and neither side is ready or willing to concede its ideas on living arrangements.  It will take unflappable fortitude and strength to stand against its destruction.  Not only is it imperative to get out in November to pull the lever for the side that stands for preserving the inherent values and freedoms fashioning the once sturdy structure, but essential to refurbish those corners and crevices that have fallen into disrepair.  President Trump is now engaged in the long awaited and crucial work of fumigation and pest control.

It is clear in our house divided that one side desires to uphold and maintain the home, while the other is poised and ready to burn it down.

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