Pelosi's hissy-fit and the advances of feminism

In the days when women were revered for gentility and grace (exemplified still by the elegant decorum of Melania Trump), they brought a welcome civility into public discourse.  That has long shriveled up, due to the Left's hormonal hysteria.  Radical feminism has given birth to the era of the Political Harridan — the bitter, brittle battleaxe, with skin so prickly that a mildly disapproving look, or even an unwelcome approving glance, is grounds for vixenish tyrannizing and shrewish tantrums.  The latter were on full display in Nancy Pelosi's hissy-fit following President Trump's State of the Union address, when she unconstitutionally tore up his speech.

As Michael Goodwin opined, Hillary Clinton ended the practice of humble concessions.  Goodwin goes on to accuse Nancy Pelosi of disgracing the office of speaker and the dignity of Congress by her senile paroxysm of rage for the cameras, before the president had even stepped from the podium, at the conclusion of his triumph.  Following her example, dressed in white (minus KKK hoods), the bitter women of the Democrat Party behaved like a coven of odious witches.  They evoke disgust.

In this centennial year of the landmark passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the vote, where are we?  Over the last century, motherhood has been toppled from its noble plinth.  Men are attacked for merely being born.  Marriages are broken.  Babies are aborted.  There are not enough families to sustain the population — unless they're imported from undemocratic, non-Western societies.  Women, who have jobs outside the home, as well as families, struggle to be "Superwoman."  Parents and children have less time to eat and laugh and talk together around the dinner table.  Even in one another's company, texting is replacing conversation.

Dialogue has deteriorated, along with other public standards of decency.  Out of the mouths of feminist harridans pour vulgar profanities, even in public, or semi-public.  Our society is sick!  It is not more honest.  It is more brutish.

It's radical feminists who have vulgarized womanhood —  the one part of society capable of demonstrating a majestic, gentle tenderness.  No number of face-lifts or Botox injections could disguise the uncultured, tawdry display we saw in Nancy Pelosi.  She was the clown show after the main event, with enough lipstick plastered on to drown a pig.

But perhaps she had good reason to be so vile.  Perhaps the president's broom is getting too close for comfort.  Perhaps she's afraid she might be swept out of office!  And so often, by our behavior, we bring about the outcome we dread.

Feminism has delivered undeniable advantages to women, but at an unacceptable cost.  It urgently needs re-evaluation as it continues to grasp an insane and destructive radicalism. That radicalism serves a false understanding of equality.  It is incontestable that men and women share human nature, characterized by emotion and intelligence.  But although humans are equal qua human, they are not identical twins.  Women are capable of developing qualities of grace attributable to their nurturing biology.  Men are capable of other moral qualities that can be refined from the masculine traits of biological competitiveness and the desire to protect their families.  They are not exclusive or inevitably inherent qualities, but why not honor and encourage them?

For much of Western civilization, and in non-Western civilizations also, they were the cultural norm.  Women were revered for their motherhood, compassion, and devotion to their families.  The Left rejects this ancient tradition as stereotypical.  Yet with insolent self-contradiction, leftists have substituted a beneficial cultural with a tyrannical clown show of artificial contortions, cooked up in the venal minds of pseudo-scientists, Democrat "victim" groups, and the left-wing postmodern deconstructionists perched on pin-head academia?  Individuality is now obliterated by identity memes!

In supporting radical feminism, Nancy Pelosi epitomizes all that is wrong with feminists' ideology.  She is intolerant, bigoted, and illogical.  She has been unable to withstand the irrational wing of her party, which pushes ever left toward the edge of an abyss.  In symbolically destroying the Constitution, she chose bitter gall and cheap gimmicks over grace.  On November 3, let us choose differently.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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