Swamp journalists must abandon their appetite for umbrage

After almost four years of hyper-hysteria over all things Trump from the left-wing media, President Trump's approval rating has gone to an all-time high.  The American people are not stupid.

Since Trump's election, the left-wing media have relentlessly accused the president of being a "threat to our democracy." 

But what is threatening to our republic is the Obama conglomerate.  The hysterical liberal media have unintentionally revealed to those of us paying attention that something much worse than Watergate is unfolding as news of Democrat bids to get Trump keep coming. 

Is it any wonder, as we sit at the precipice of truth, that the swamp rats, the darlings of the media, have their knickers in a knot?

It is highly probable that the Obama administration orchestrated widespread misuse of our intelligence and law enforcement.  Every time the left-wing media darlings — e.g., James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Adam Schiff, and Andrew McCabe — open their mouths, they expose the corruption emanating from the swamp.  It smells like inspissated bile.  These corrupt, imperious people have unintentionally revealed that there were and are bad things going on within the Obama conglomerate.

To save themselves from the dustbin of irrelevance, left-wing journalists, both on-air and in print, must abandon their addiction to outrage.  A good journalist's job is to be objective and ferret out the truth, no matter where it takes them.  It seems insane to the rest of us when the media cover every move from our president hysterically and negatively while avoiding the real story.

It is a long shot, but is it possible that the bitter media might wrap their heads around the fact that their historic rage has prevented them from seeing the truth?  Only then could they embark on an honest examination of the misfeasance and probable malfeasance committed by the Obama administration.  Unfortunately, it is highly likely that they will be able to handle the truth that their demi-god, Obama, is the reigning "Lord of the Swamp."  Obama gave billions of cash to the Iranians, lied about Ferguson to ignite race strife, used the IRS as a weapon to spy on Republicans, sold gobs of uranium to Russia, egregiously covered up what happened in Benghazi, and spied on Americans.  There is more to be exposed if a few brave journalists will do their job.

Image credit: Tom/Flickr citing art of Bernie Wrightson, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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