Thank the media for Democrat free fallin'

Operating in a carefully protected bubble for decades formed the current state of the Democrat party.  Their indefatigable media cheerleaders never dog them with microphones and cameras, demanding they go on the record to defend their awful policies, their flashing neon hypocrisy, or their repeated failures.  They are not hounded to denounce bad behavior from their side.  Folks like NBC's Chuck Todd just stroke them with dulcet tones and a deep and loving policy massage.  Get a room, Chuck, and the rest of you media sycophants!  Stop irreparably harming your loved ones with this on-camera incest.

The Democrat presidential field is largely unvetted thanks to these enablers.  The candidates and elected officials seem to believe their own P.R. wing and the ever so tight Beltway mindset.  Acts like maniacally ripping up the State of the Union address on national TV seem normal, acceptable, and justified to the sheltered ones, visibly weakened by their best buds granting them a lifetime pass to Nerf ball interviews and smiley-face stamps on their oddities.  They've been coddled into ever more mindless policies, increasingly illogical and laughable stances, and never made to defend any of it.  Consequently, their best debate tactic is to cry racism or phobe du jour when challenged.  Media love means never having to say you're sorry.  Or wrong.  Or lying.  Or plagiarizing.  Or delusional.  The enabling of inept policymakers further cripples them.

The Ragin' Cajun, Democrat James Carville, recently sounded the alarm, but he doesn't name the core problem.  Visibly distressed, Carville bemoans the Democrat presidential field's lack of real issues and relevancy, and their exotic policies.  He exhorts them all to get real and states that he is not impressed.

The core problem was on display when his interviewer, MSNBC's liar Brian Williams, missed Carville's point entirely and summed up Carville with this insufferably pompous statement: "You can't win a Whole Foods race in a Campbell's Soup nation."  The perfect caricature of media bubble elitism, Williams clearly likes and admires the irrelevant, unreal, and exotic Democrat positions (Whole Foods), and America (Campbell's Soup) is just too dull to catch on to them.

The sleazy bad policy media massage parlor has a packed waiting room of Whole Foods enthusiasts.  When blunt James Carville cannot even break through, there doesn't seem to be much hope for a happy ending.  Just hum a little Tom Petty as they crash to earth.

Image: Cassowary Colorizations via Flickr.

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