Time for classless, clueless Pelosi to go

For nearly ninety minutes, Americans of all races, ages, ethnicities, and occupations listened to President Trump highlight specific achievements of his first three years in office during his State of the Union address.  For nearly ninety minutes, those same Americans watched Speaker Pelosi sit in her chair on the dais, refusing to stand up, refusing to applaud, playing nervously with her dentures, shuffling the speech copy back and forth like she was confused reading a Waffle House menu, while obstinately making faces at her caucus when President Trump spoke.  And to top it off, when President Trump closed out his SOTU 2020 speech claiming that American excellence is back; that America is strong once again; she tore up the speech copy like my 4 year-old grandson after he is told he cannot watch another cartoon.

She is classless.  She is unworthy and undeserving of the title The Speaker of the House of Representatives.  The people of Northern California who elected her should be ashamed.  The Congress should censure such classless actions.

So, I ask Ms. Pelosi:  What contents of President Trump’s SOTU 2020 were so objectionable?  Was it any of the numerous economic successes of the country since 2016?  Completed trade deals with three world mega-powers?  Seventy percent growth in the stock market?  Historical low unemployment for nearly every racial or ethnic group?  Historic levels of Americans in the workforce?  Historical levels of Americans off of welfare-based economics?  Historical levels of women entering the workforce and securing new employment? Promises of protections for religious freedoms?  Promises to take care of and to celebrate hard working officers and agents of America’s law enforcement agencies… state, local, and federal?  Promises to take care of Americans first by ending streaming immigration of citizens of other nations with no reasonable asylum claims? Promises to end senseless warfare placing American troops at risk?  Promises to protect Americans abroad and at home by eliminating the heads of terrorist organizations responsible for killing thousands?

Or, was it the tributes to American service men and women, both fallen and alive?  Tributes to emerging world leaders seeking to bring amazing, history-rich countries from socialist oppression into a modern, successful economic system where individual freedoms are valued and celebrated?  Tributes to Americans who faced dire poverty, drug addiction, and homelessness, but who chose to turn their lives around as successful business owners?

Or perhaps she was consumed by a more basic reason as she sat there looking at the failed House Managers, the know-nothing Squad, and 150 other Democrat party sheep (many of whom probably yearn for the Democrat party of just a few years ago), a reason that is nothing more than a pure and utter disdain and hatred of President Trump (and his successes) after three years of wasted and failed efforts to end his presidency without cause or justification?

Ms. Pelosi’s time in Congress should be over.  After years of self-dealing and profiting off of her position, her city is a cesspool of economic waste, homelessness, public drug use, and a sanctuary for illegal immigrants and criminals.  As a Northern California homeowner, I have had enough.  #PelosiOUT.

 caricature by Donkey Hotey

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