Waiting for the dominos to fall — in Trump's second term

Have you ever seen one of those elaborate domino displays, where an intricate pattern of upright dominos has been patiently constructed over days, or even weeks, only to fall in seconds, or minutes, by the lightest touch at any juncture?  They are a glorious sight to behold, elegant, beautiful, the result of meticulous planning and by-necessity perfection in execution.  If, while constructing such a marvel, the smallest mistake is made, the entire structure collapses, and the endeavor must be started over.

In politics, unlike in dominos, there may not be time to start over.  This brings us to the Deep State and the 2020 presidential election.

For the last three, going on four, years, we have watched as a clearly dual system of justice has been applied to our governing class.  Democrats and Leftists can do and say anything and get a slap on the wrist.  Republicans and conservatives, especially Trump-supporting Republicans and conservatives, will be punished disproportionately for the slightest error, and without mercy.  The rule of law, defined throughout our history as having been granted at the hands of our Creator, has been bifurcated and is becoming increasingly irrelevant.  Meanwhile, the rule of man ascends in direct contravention to the Founders' intent.

Only one man, and one amazing phenomenon, stands now athwart the destruction of the American experiment: President Donald John Trump and the millions of us who stand behind him.  Like him or hate him, he is the bulwark against socialism, communism, and the utterly destructive forces of the left.  He is the domino that refuses to fall.  His re-election is the only thing that will keep this country from going over the edge.  

Moreover, President Trump's re-election means the gloves come off.  This is very, very important.

Donald J. Trump the civilian clearly had dreams of the presidency from the time he was a young man.  It's all on record.  But having never held office before being elected president, he was, frankly, a political neophyte.  Expecting acceptance and cooperation, he was instead met with incredible animosity and refusal (since "resistance" must now be used in quotation marks).  Despite having had his hands tied by nefarious NeverTrumps and Democrats, his every move challenged, President Trump has been an extremely successful president.  His largest flaw has been his lack of experience, showing most glaringly in poor staffing decisions.  But this may be about to change and change yuuuugely.  Because President Trump may have been a neophyte three years ago, but he most certainly isn't one now.

This is why we must now wait.  Wait as the dominos are being set up to fall.  Why we must keep our faith.  All we need to do is re-elect him, and it will be no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Think about this very carefully.  We want to see, hope to see, and pray to see the swamp drained and the Deep State neutralized.  We want to have a ringside seat as every single coup-plotter and seditious traitor, from Obama and Clinton on down the line to the lowest unnamed "resistance" staffer, is set up like dominos to fall.  And we want to see that feather-light touch that sends every last one of them falling in spectacular symmetry.

Thus far, we have been sorely disappointed.  We never expected to wait, because it all is so obvious...to us.  We simply didn't understand the odds stacked against us at the time.  We now realize that President Trump is a man striving to adhere to the rule of law in the face of abject refusal to do the same from nearly all sides; he soldiers on, but still we wait for justice.  And waiting is agony.  But it is also necessary.  The rule of law demands proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and that, especially in the face of unrelenting hostility to truth, takes time.

We must now employ the Art of Patience.

We must wait for the elaborate domino display.  Planning and execution must both be utter perfection to be viable.  The slightest mistake sends us back to square one.  We don't have that kind of time unless we re-elect President Trump, and even that guarantees us no win, but it certainly tips the odds in our favor.  We must win in 2020.  We will win in 2020.  And when we do, we may well be treated to the most beautiful falling domino display of all time.  Have faith.  Vote.  Wait.

Graphic credit: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

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