A French Revolution lite

The American Left is going through a "French Revolution lite."  The "Committee of Public Safety" is led by not a single scurrilous, scheming Robespierre, but a legion of would-be commissars who wake up one day feeling "aggrieved" and act on it.  This provides a target-rich environment that has more to do with proximity and convenience, which naturally lends itself to mendacity in the quest for leverage, power, and money.  No one is safe, and the terror is palpable.

The inevitable outcome of identity politics bereft of any sound policy positions that don't border on the insane is an actual, real-time sentence in Salvador Dalí's "Soft Construction with Boiled Beans."  It's ugly and portends disruption and chaos for progressives everywhere.  Good.

Essentially, Chris Matthews is attracted to females and says so out loud.  Kyle Smith of the New York Post sums it up:

One complaint was that Matthews would compliment women's looks. He said of Sarah Palin that there was "something electric" and "very attractive" about her. He told Erin Burnett, "You're a knockout." All true. He made a couple of mild compliments to Bassett: "Why haven't I fallen in love with you yet?"


Old guys flirt with young women as a way of telling themselves they're still in the game. Young women used to be more forgiving, to recognize the pathos underlying the impulse and shrug it off. Now they exaggerate their emotional reaction, pretend that they're "shaken" or "couldn't breathe." Bassett writes that a couple of flirty comments from Matthews "undermined my ability to do my job well." That's hard to believe.

From a guy as famous and as supposedly smart as Chris Matthews, these comments are clumsy and embarrassing — but nothing else. 

David Wright, a reporter for ABC News, is a self-proclaimed socialist.  His sin was telling the truth about the coverage of Donald Trump (biased, predictable, and slanted from his agenda-driven company, ABC News).  He said biased coverage drove the numbers up, but that ABC wasn't objective.  For this, telling the truth, he was suspended and will no longer cover politics for ABC.

Timothy Hutton is now accused of a rape some 37 years ago.  It appears to be, by all reasonable accounts, an outrageous, unsubstantiated, and brazen attempt to enrich the accuser.  Holy shades of Judge Kavanaugh!  Hutton, a garden-variety "climate change" Hollywood gasbag, must be wondering if Michael Avenatti is out on bail and back at "work."

Progressive hysteria has dominated our media, academe, and government for decades.  Obscure collections of anecdotal victimization claptrap have acted as a fungible currency used to purchase power and destroy lives, while enabling the crypto-fascists who run the show behind the curtain to make bank on the suffering of the real victims in this farce. 

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