Don't drink the government Kool-Aid on the coronavirus

Whether you like it or not, you have joined a cult.  Or, to be fair, you been abducted into joining a cult against your will.  And it's not just any cult; it's a death cult.

Understand where we are now.  Prior to this latest false dystopia of 24/7 hysterical doom, half our country were eager to nominate a Democrat for president who talked like Jim Jones.  They still are.

The world was apparently ending in 12 years.  Remember?  Global warming.  Tom Steyer, Warren, Sanders, Biden — all of them sounded like creepy, turn-of-the-century carnival barkers and preachers of a mad apocalypse at our doorstep.  If we didn't act now, our irreversible demise would be imminent.  The urgency of their preaching was constant, self-reinforcing, and what could only be described as spasmodic.

Al Gore already lost with his end-of-the-world timetables, but what did that matter?  He had already made millions of dollars by then.

So it was up to these new firebrands running for president, each trying to outdo the other by predicting the end of life as we knew it.  All of them were riding the wave of the increasingly spooked sheep, these political cowboys circling the voting herds and firing off rounds to scare them into a tighter and tighter perimeter.  Those sheep themselves became mad — more vociferous, more toxic.  The hysteria became a form of religious conviction.  Politics and religion with the left are one.

And so here we are now, and it all makes so much sense.  We are being led by Dr. Fauci, Ph.D.s, virology experts, academicians, statistical math professors, and various graph-makers and chart-builders along with a media establishment tintent on expanding these narratives.

The problem is that you should never allow the Ph.D.s to make actual policy.  There are other, even more important ideas that are much broader than just listening to E.R. nurses who are tired and upset physicians, and I wouldn't want to be in their position, but there is a much larger, more dangerous trend brewing than crowded hospital hallways full of hysterics and overtime and exhaustion.

If this economy doesn't get back to a relatively normative baseline soon, we will wish we were where we are right now at this critical point.  Depressions are vicious and hard to get out of.  The economic pump has to first be primed, and that requires a massive amount of confidence.

Some airlines and cruise lines will go bankrupt.  Some hotels and small businesses.  It's inevitable.  But there is no economic advisory committee or team in place calculating the daily damage being imposed on the U.S., let alone world, economy.  There are no benchmarks, either, of when markets can re-emerge from this blanket government authoritarian takeover.  What number of slowing cases and deaths before we can resume?  Answer: silence.

We have been coached for years, lured, into thinking the government is a benevolent force.  And that bigger government means even more benevolence.  This is not true and has never been true.

There is no one talking about the interconnectedness of an economy, and by upending one sector (all "non-essential") will have such devastating consequences that eventually even the so-called 'essential' will be impacted as well.  If the economy does not re-fire soon, it will be too late.

To trust that government knows how to balance this out, to know when to pivot back, is a blind allegiance.  Society will be thrown into chaos very soon; bailouts will not work when banks implode and when the US Treasury itself doesn't face the fact soon that it has no more dry powder.  At that point, we will enter into a new territory of government power just like Hoover and FDR, dealing with the much more difficult problem of social unrest.  The problem is that we have allowed this slavery into our cultural bloodstream.  And it is not a virus.  It is the Kool-Aid of believing the lies of experts, the media, and government.

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