Germ warfare from a China press pool denizen?

China's CGTN, or China Global Television Network, is pretty much the RT News of China. It's the state propaganda and disinformation operation most aggressively active, and watched, by spies, of any nation that pays attention to China. Last February 2019, it was forced to register as a foreign agent.

So what weird stuff it is to read that one of its reporters has been caught at the White House gate with a high fever, which is a symptom of the highly contagious coronavirus. The fever was in the 100-degree range. You'd know if you had such a fever. Yet the person was clamoring to get into a closed-quarters press briefing with other reporters and President Trump, which, if it were coronavirus he had, would be sure to spread that, (or else another illness) - to Trump, his staff, and the press that follows him around. Check the photo at this link to see how close it is.

According to the Washington Examiner, emphasis mine:

A journalist was denied entry into the White House Coronavirus Task Force news briefing Saturday after developing a fever.

Reporters had their body temperatures taken by staff at the White House as a precaution against the coronavirus.

One person was tested three times by the White House Medical Unit over a 15-minute period, and each time, the result registered above the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guideline of what constitutes a fever, 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, according to Katie Miller, who is a press secretary to Vice President Mike Pence.

Fever is one of the symptoms of the coronavirus.

NBC News's Kelly O'Donnell said in a tweet that the journalist who was turned away appeared to be from China Global Television Network.

Now it's possible the man really didn't know, despite it being near impossible to not know you had a 100-degree fever and the world's eyes are already on China. It's also possible the Chinese television network had a work ethic so merciless that the man would have been penalized for not going to the press briefing and maybe there wasn't anyone else to do it. It's also possible he didn't care. It's important to consider relatively benign explanations to be fair.

But given who his news organization is - and its recent behavior, as well as that of its patron, China's, it's fair to be more skeptical.

One, China has falsely attempted to pin the coronavirus crisis, brought on by its own mismanagement, on America. America has offered to help them, and China has turned them down, flinging lies at our country instead, getting themselves called on the diplomatic carpet. We all know they are under pressure from this crisis. Their response has been somewhat cooperative in some areas, but pretty malevolent, considering. Might there be some part of the Chinese government that would like to infect the entire press corps and/or President Trump in the midst of this? I can't put it past them. We already know what their state of mind is right now.

Two: Chicoms have attempted to infiltrate the quarters of President Trump in order to do him harm. Remember that incident in Mar-a-Lago where a likely Chicom agent brought in malevolent computer spyware and had no authorization to be on the premises? She played dumb for the court and got off lightly, but it's very likely she was part of a Chicom operation. From this, we now know that their priority is to get close to Trump. Their technique is to play dumb, and they do this over and over, there have been six such incidents of supposedly 'confused' tourists trying to get close to Trump. This operation with the press pool looks like the same kind of thing.

Three, China's CGTN has been pretty funny about things, too.

First, there's their coverage: The Google search here shows 'all's hunky dory, China's got this' party-line reports about China conquering the coronavirus. All good news, a sure sign of propaganda. Here's a cut-and-paste, and try not to blanch at how much of this state propaganda is appearing on Yahoo!:

Yahoo Finance

CGTN: Latest Data Shows Over 36,000 Patients Had Recovered in Wuhan

In central China's Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, new COVID-19 cases have dropped to a single digit, with just four reported ...

18 hours ago

Yahoo Finance

CGTN: People’s Safety and Health Always Come First, as China to Win Battle Against Coronavirus Outbreak

CGTN reported Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Wuhan on March 10, when China's COVID-19 prevention and control efforts had turned ...

20 hours ago

Associated Press

CGTN: Positive Signs Show China Is Recovering From COVID ..

Meanwhile, on March 4, CGTN were the subject to tit-for-tat expulsions in response to China's expulsion of American journalists covering the coronavirus crisis in Wuhan and elsewhere in China. Their response was mendacious and defiant:

U.S. government suppression won’t deter us from providing the world with more high-quality news.

We hope the U.S. government will cease politicizing legitimate news operations. CGTN provides a window on Chinese culture and a platform for Chinese perspectives on international affairs.

Even if the State Department’s actions make working in the U.S. more difficult, we will spare no effort to provide audiences with accurate, objective and fair news coverage.

What garbage. They're a registered foreign agent masquerading as a news outfit and doing their best to get 'respectability' from that, defiantly saying they will 'cover the news' (read: whatever it is they really do) no matter what Trump says. It sounds like they're willing to spread coronavirus to do it.

Which at a minimum, suggests they might just be capable of germ warfare, the kind that leftists in the states, (such as this Bernie-ite acolyte), have been threatening. Leftists always have that malevolent 'kill them' thing going, and the Chicoms are leftists. Would they really try something like this? No one should put it past them.

Image credit: Logo via Facebook, public domain


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