Joe finally got a 'W'

Back in 1989, Jimmy Johnson, the new head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, got his first NFL win against Washington.  I recall hearing one of the pundits saying, "Jimmy finally got a W."

Well, former V.P. Biden finally got his "W" in South Carolina.

It was a nice win, and let him and the faithful enjoy the moment.

V.P. Biden now faces two challenges:

First, Bernie Sanders leads in delegates 52-43.  Second, Super Tuesday looks like a big day for the socialist from Vermont.  In other words, there are some big losses ahead for Biden.

Sanders leads in California and the latest Texas poll.

Sanders will jump to a strong lead after Super Tuesday, and no one is going to remember that Joe got a big "W" in South Carolina.

On Wednesday morning, we will wake up to the reality that Sanders has a lot of supporters, Mike Bloomberg a lot of money, and Biden a lot of problems.

So are the Democrats really going to blow up the party to stop Sanders?  My guess is that this will be as successful as those of us who thought President Trump could be denied the nomination in Cleveland back in 2016.

Jeet Heer delivered a warning to the Democrats:

For all the chatter about Bernie Sanders's being unelectable, the party establishment is toying with outcomes that would produce a nominee much more likely to lose than Sanders. 

Clearly, electability isn't the issue but rather party dominance.

Well, the Democrats made a mess this time.  They nominate Sanders and likely get wiped out.  They squeeze out Sanders, and "Sanderistas" will walk out.

President Trump is indeed the luckiest guy around!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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