Media fact-check an obviously humorous Trump campaign video about Biden

On Saturday, while speaking in Kansas City, Joe Biden got himself tangled up in a sea of words and finally managed to cough up the phrase, "We can only re-elect Donald Trump."  Anyone watching the video understands that Biden was attacking Trump, not endorsing him.  What made the video compulsively watchable was that it was yet another example of the scramble that is the 77-year-old Biden's decompensating brain.

Once a video limited to the key language started making the rounds on the internet, Trump re-tweeted it with the comment "I agree with Joe!"

Again, it's quite obvious watching even those few seconds that Biden was not endorsing Trump.  The point is that there's something wrong with Joe's mental functioning, which reveals itself in his chronic inability to make sense.

Nevertheless, the media, which are now championing Biden, whom they view as the only viable alternative to Bernie Sanders, rushed to his rescue.  The spin is that the video is "deceptively edited."  That implies that the video is perhaps a deep fake, with false words placed in Biden's mouth, or that it in some other way alters what Biden said.

However, even the media have to concede that the words came from Biden's mouth.  The best that the media outlets can do is note that the message is clipped, leaving out some context.  In doing so, though, the media do their own clipping, leaving out the mangled mess that was the first part of the quoted material.

This is all the relevant language that Joe uttered at that rally:

Turn this primary into a campaign that's about negative attacks into one about what we're for. Because we cannot, get reelect. We cannot win this reelection. Excuse me, we can only reelect Donald Trump if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad. It's gotta be a positive campaign.

Trump had fun with a single clause.  The media, in their effort to attack Trump, used their own selective misquotations by ignoring all the gibberish emphasized in the above paragraph.

Here's some representative outrage from CNN:

President Donald Trump and his campaign promoted a dishonestly edited video on Saturday that wrongly made it seem as if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden had accidentally endorsed Trump.

The clip, which was viewed more than 5.8 million times and retweeted more than 34,000 times as of Sunday morning at 10 AM, showed Biden struggling with a line in his Saturday speech in Kansas City, Missouri, then saying, "Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump."

But the clip was edited to cut out the second part of Biden's sentence. What the former vice president actually said was this: "Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign." Biden had called for an end to "negative attacks" in his primary contest with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump retweeted the dishonestly edited clip late Saturday night, sharing a version tweeted by White House social media director Dan Scavino — who incorrectly said the video was taken in St. Louis, where Biden spoke earlier on Saturday. (Biden had delivered another version of the line in the St. Louis speech.)

One of CNN's employees doubled down on the outrage:

Again, you have to be fantastically stupid or ideologically blind not to understand the point, which is that Biden's words, which no one manipulated, reveal that he is confused, not that he's endorsing Trump.  And you have to be intentionally dishonest to ignore the fact that Joe was uttering sheer nonsense that deserved ridicule.

The Washington Post pulled the same con:

The version of the video shared by Scavino showed Biden stumbling on a line during a speech, then saying, "Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump."

But the edited video deleted the second part of the former vice president's sentence. The whole thing said: "Excuse me. We can only reelect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign."

Only a computer algorithm or a leftist would fail to understand that the video mocked Biden's abilities.  Moreover, considering that the media live to take Trump out of context and often flat-out lie about his statements, there's something unseemly in their desperate attempts to cover for the fact that Joe Biden is not up to the rigors of a presidential campaign and is definitely not up to the demands of being president.

Here's the beauty of it all, though: all that the media are accomplishing by attacking Trump is to expose their own viewers to footage showing that Biden may be suffering from severe cognitive issues.

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