One flu over the desperately seeking victimhood's nest

Desperately seeking public victimhood, Weijia Jiang, who identifies as a "Chinese born West Virginian" and therefore obviously suffers discrimination as she works as the lowest of the low, a "CBS News White House correspondent," boo-hooed last Tuesday

Behind her back — and to her face — if "they" are honest and not racist, "they" are calling it Wuhan, China coronavirus because it probably originated in, was first discovered in, and spread from because of official government carelessness — brace yourself, sweetie — Wuhan, China.

If indeed this nameless — and still undiscovered — White House official referred to it as "kung flu," he was probably making a clever pun to relieve the stress of confronting a mysterious and maybe deadly disease that has disrupted the world.  The real racists are ignoring its origins and insisting on calling it the coronavirus or COVID-19.  The number refers to the year 2019, when it was first discovered — let me repeat this to make it clear — in Wuhan, China.

And no, as a West Virginian of Chinese, origin you are not responsible for it.

Although she received some sympathy from the usual racist anti racists she was battered by those who reasonably asked, Who used this groan-inducing pun?  (Follow the Twitter thread.)  Unable to answer, she continued to foul her nest with the usual liberal tweets,, as seen by her hostile reaction to President Donald J. Trump (R)'s presser update on the Wuhan coronavirus.  As a personal opinion, that's her privilege, but these tweets shot out through her CBS News account, so this undoubtedly reflects CBS News reporting.

News flash: CBS News reporting is not objective about Trump  — opinion replaces fact. Just thought you'd want to know.  Yeah, I'm surprised, too!


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