The Left mocks the ‘America First’ motto

By now everyone in America knows that COVID-19 is no joke. Quite disturbing numbers are growing and lots of people find themselves locked up inside their homes either by stay-at-home orders or self-quarantine.

Just trying to protect yourself and your family will help the front-runners fight the virus. Another important thing is to stick together, unite against the danger of pandemic. Maybe go shopping for older relatives or neighbors. Support your community spiritually and mentally, stay positive, encourage people not to panic. Ask yourself, what can you do to contribute. Keep focused, forget political differences for a while. Remember, we are all Americans, and together we can overcome this.

These constitute self-evident modus operandi for sane folks. Not so with left knuckleheads. Trump’s declaration that during his presidency “it’s going to be America First”, made the left mad as a March hare from day one. Now the UK Guardian’s Richard Wolffe reports with mockery that America “is first in the world with coronavirus cases”. He has mentioned that this piece of news will not please anyone, but nevertheless presented it with undisguised joy. There is a sound of pure ecstasy between the lines of Wolffe’s hypocritical sadness: “Hallelujah! Pandemic happened in the US on Trump’s watch”! No matter that the Chinese tried very hard for about a month to cover up the expansion of COVID-19 from the entire world. Never mind that Trump issued a travel ban on flights from China back in January, as usual accompanied by liberal media screams of “racism.” Finally, the Left wildest dream came true -- during the Trump presidency America is in trouble, and that's awesome news for the “progressives”.

The undeniable fact that the Left eagerly employs baseless accusations and outright lies is no news. Similarly, in impuissant rage they utilize purposefully disrespectful, abusive remarks. Richard Wolffe categorizes the president of a great country as a “con artist.”  Additionally, he avails  himself to the following concocted statement: “[Trump] represents the greatest, the biggest, and the most tremendous failure of leadership in living memory. He has made America great again in ways nobody could ever imagine or conceive”. Now, what does it say about the author of this statement?

Certainly, Wolffe is not alone in applauding the spread of coronavirus in the U.S. Julia Ioffe, currently with GQ, shared her “America first” joy with the world. This is the same Julia Ioffe who in 2016 was fired from Politico for publishing a sexually obscene tweet about Ivanka Trump. Like many of her ultra-liberal camp, Ioffe has no boundaries in her noxious accusations. In 2018 she claimed that Trump “radicalized” more people than ISIS. Later she was forced to back-pedal on that statement.

And finally, no less than Hillary Clinton joined the choir of “America First” hecklers.

“He did promise America First” Clinton wrote as soon as the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. has reportedly outpaced China. No matter that the availability of testing kits in America has drastically increased while the reliability of Chinese reporting on COVID-19 is in question. Thank God for the 2016 election results!

Not for the first time has the Trump-hating syndrome produced an inevitable side effect of hating America. The Left continues to play political games at the time of great public danger. 

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