Unfortunately, the answer is Hillary

Who does not want Bernie Sanders to get the Democrat nomination?  Who recently said of him, "He was in Congress for years.  He had one senator support him.  Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done.  It's all just baloney, and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it"?

Answer: Hillary.

Who has a conveniently timed four-part documentary series on Hulu right now, called Hillary?  Whose documentary is billed as "a remarkably intimate portrait of a public woman"?  Whose documentary is getting plenty of favorable coverage from the mainstream media?

Answer: Hillary.

Who helped DNC chairman Tom Perez get his job and earned his loyalty?

Answer: Hillary.

Who has repeated ad nauseam that her life mantra is the lesson that her mother taught her: "What defines you in life is not getting knocked down.  It's about how you get back up"? 
Answer: Hillary.

Who never quits?

Answer:  Hillary.

Who has the connections within the Democrat Party establishment to orchestrate in only 24 hours before Super Tuesday the surprise exit of Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobachar?  Who has the power to persuade these candidates to endorse Joe Biden?

Answer: Hillary.

Whom will Joe Biden endorse, by design, on the eve of the Democrat Party Convention when he announces that, on advice his wife and doctors, he will not pursue the Democrat Party nomination?

Answer: Hillary.

After having watched Joe Biden's further descent into senility and confusion between March and July, who will relieved Democrats, women especially, embrace as their tried and true candidate?

Answer: Hillary.

And who, by design, will name as her vice president a fellow with the last name of Bloomberg who just happens to be waiting in the wings with his nationwide campaign offices open and with full staff on salary and billions in cash?

Answer: Hillary.

Who has at her fingertips Deep State opposition research gleaned from the Mueller investigation, Michael Cohen's files, and spying data on everything Trump, ready to drop sometime in September?

Answer: Hillary.

Who will benefit from massive early voting, voting by mail, and voter fraud?

Answer: Hillary.

Who will Big Tech get behind and push in all online forums?

Answer: Hillary.

Who will get about 5 billion additional dollars in positive free earned media?

Answer: Hillary.

Who has an excellent chance of being the next president of the United States of America?

Answer: Hillary.

Remember, you read it here first.

Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment.  Among his many films are political documentaries including The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America, Trump: The Art of the InsultThere's No Place Like UtopiaDreams from My Real FatherAtomic Jihad, and Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and the Revolt of Islam.

Image: Nathania Johnson via Wikimedia Commons.

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