Whoopi Goldberg falls victim to Jill Biden

Two prominent progressive women were discredited yesterday in an incident that reveals stunning levels of phoniness in the Democrat-media complex.

A woman by the name of Caryn Johnson has become a major force in shaping the political opinions of many American women.  You probably know her as Whoopi Goldberg, a stage name she culturally appropriated, presumably for its shock value as a distinctively Jewish moniker attached to an African-American woman.  (Where are all the woke progs who protest a college dining hall serving tacos?) 

Thanks to ABC featuring her on its daytime talk show aimed at women, The View, Whoopi Goldberg's opinions reach and influence many female voters.  Yesterday, she revealed herself to be an ignorant phony, claiming that the wife of Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden is a "helluva doctor ... an amazing doctor" and ought to be considered for surgeon general in the future Biden administration that she hopes for.  A 39-second video:

Unfortunately for her, Goldberg was taken in by the former SLOTUS of the Obama administration insisting on being addressed as "Dr. Jill Biden," based on her earning a doctorate in education from the University of Delaware in 2007.  (Her dissertation was titled, "Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students' Needs."

Her endorsement of Mrs. Biden as a "helluva doctor" reveals that Ms. Johnson's pronouncements on matters of public interest ought to be regarded as worthless.

I am certain that Goldberg has a lot of company in believing that "Dr. Jill Biden" could write her prescriptions.  The title "doctor" connotes medical expertise in American culture, and its use by non-medics is usually a sign of poseurs who have no basis in their accomplishments for high regard by others.  In the case of Joe Biden's wife, it lends dignity and respect to the Biden family, otherwise known for spawning a drug-addicted sleazy influence-peddler, Hunter Biden.

Goldberg was quietly corrected by Megan McCain, who mentioned a "Ph.D.," and she quickly back-pedaled ("maybe I'm wrong"), but her endorsement of the medical expertise of Dr. Jill is no mere slip of the tongue.  She was lying to her audience.

Here is a bit of inside baseball from academia.  Doctor Biden does not have a Ph.D.; she has a degree known as a "doctor of education," an Ed.D.  Holders of this credential are expected to be practitioners, not scholars who create new knowledge.  Within the extremely status-conscious world of academics, it is regarded as a lesser credential, one often acquired mid-career (as was the case with Jill Biden) because school systems pay more for staff with master's degrees and even more for doctorate-holders.  

Mrs. Biden really should stop misleading the public with her insistence on a title as "doctor."  And Whoopi Goldberg should stop claiming that people she politically favors are professionally accomplished.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

Goldberg's real name corrected to Johnson.

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