Democrats seem to be enjoying this authoritarian moment

Various Democrat politicians are competing to be the most proactive in enforcing social distancing in their communities, so the internet is awash with stories of decidedly anti-American government behavior.  This post will bring you up to date on some of the more egregious things that are happening in Democrat-run communities across America.

For sheer shock value, there's really nothing to equal a short video that's come out of Philadelphia.  The video, which has been viewed almost five million times, shows a rider being forcibly torn from a bus in Philadelphia, although not arrested, because he was not wearing a mask (language warning, because the man's really angry):

The Daily Caller notes the irony that this violent attack "comes after Philadelphia police announced that due to coronavirus, they would stop arresting people for 'non-violent' crimes including burglary and drug offenses."  Within a short while of the video going viral, Philadelphia's Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority announced that it was no longer enforcing its short-lived mask policy.

Philadelphia is a Democrat-run city.

In Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear has announced that if people attend Easter services, the police will photograph their license plates and summarily impose a 14-day quarantine on church attendees.

Governor Beshear is a Democrat.

The Kentucky governor is not alone.  In the city of Louisville, Mayor Greg Fischer has ordered his police department to write down license plate numbers of those who attend Easter services so the attendees can be locked down in quarantine.

Mayor Greg Fischer is a Democrat.

In Greenville, Mississippi, people who sat in their cars, with the windows rolled up, in a church parking lot to listen to their pastor give a sermon on the radio received $500 tickets.  These tickets weren't given just to the driver.  They were given to every person in the car.

Greenville mayor Errick Simmons is a Democrat.

In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has made it illegal for people to buy seeds for growing fruits and vegetables.  Here's the viral tweet showing the Burpee seeds roped off:

Governor Whitmer, also known as "the woman," is a Democrat who tried to ban hydroxychloroquine in her state.

It's not just the politicians, of course.  Ted Cruz tweeted that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram wants to close golf courses:

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram endorsed Hillary Clinton (or rather, endorsed "not Donald Trump," a sneaky, backdoor way of endorsing Hillary).

In contrast to the editors at the Star-Telegram, Gov. Greg Abbot is planning to reopen the great state of Texas.

In Brighton, Colorado, a former police officer was handcuffed in front of his family for playing ball with his daughter in an empty park.  Mayor Greg Mills's political affiliation is not available online.

In Los Angeles County, a lone paddle-boarder was arrested in Malibu for violating the stay-at-home order:

Malibu is a  heavily Democrat district, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department provides law enforcement to the town.  The Los Angeles County sheriff, Alex Villaneuva, did his best to use COVID-19 as an excuse to stop gun sales in Los Angeles.  

Some people are fighting back...or, at least, running really fast:

I don't know about you, but I'm seeing a trend here.  While it may be reasonable for police to break up large crowds, with people pressing against each other, what we're seeing here is a government that believes people are incapable of making safe and rational choices.  This is the same zero tolerance that has been in place for years in elementary schools.  Under that system, a 7-year-old boy was suspended for chewing his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.  This isn't law and order; it's tyrannical lunacy. 

What makes this trend all the more peculiar is that the data are not supporting the claims that locking everyone up is what's slowing the virus.  As Alex Berenson explains, the models are all wrong. All of them:

Time will show that the best model is the one practiced in the Far East, outside China: masks in public and good cleanliness habits.  Add this behavioral change to the number of people who have antibodies — meaning they had COVID-19 without being that sick and are now immune — and this whole craziness should and will end soon.

One of the best things that could come out of this hysteria is for people to realize that, given the chance, Democrats instantly went mad with authoritarian lust.  Give them an inch of power, and they'll take a mile. 

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