More polls, less reality

A new NBC poll shows that most Americans would rather stay home than restart the economy too soon.  This is from NBC:

Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they are more concerned that relaxing stay-at-home restrictions would lead to more COVID-19 deaths than they are that the restrictions will hurt the U.S. economy, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

I understand that sentiment, but the pollster is missing the larger point.

Of course, we should not be irresponsible and open up too soon.

At the same time, who is going to pay your mortgage or rent in July?  How much longer can the electric company extend your payment?  How many more direct deposits is the federal government going to make?

Most of us got money in April, and federal loans are keeping payrolls intact for now.  We may see a repeat in May.

Can we realistically expect a government to send money to people sitting at home?  I don't think so. 

So maybe we should ask a different question: are you willing to go back safely to work so you can stay in your home or keep your lights on?

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