Questions the media should ask Biden, but won't

Jimmy Fallon said that his mind is blown by the eloquence of Biden. I imagine most of the public can come up with terms to describe Biden’s utterances other than eloquence. Absolute confusion comes to mind.

It does not matter if Biden does an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, The Today Show, The View, NBC, ABC. CBS, WP, USA Today, MSNBC, AP or Fallon, Meyers, Colbert or Kimmel, the questions will always be the same. It will be some derivative of tell us how Trump is screwing up and remind us how great, honest and scandal free the Obama/Biden years were.

The playbook for decades has been the same. The only thing that matters to most talking heads is whether the politician has a “D” or an “R” behind their name.

In 2008, Obama wasn’t vetted at all while McCain and Palin were under constant attack.

In 2012, the media didn’t care what Obama did his first four years. They spent their time attacking Romney, including spreading the Harry Reid lie that he didn’t pay income taxes for years.

In 2016, most of the media didn’t care about all the kickbacks Hillary took, how many laws she broke, nor how many women Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused for decades. They spent all their time attacking Trump, but they would have attacked whoever had the “R’ behind their name.

If the media cared about the truth and informing the public, instead of putting a Democrat back in the White House, they would ask logical questions.

Here is a sample of questions that Biden should be asked but won’t be:

Did WHO say in mid-January that the virus wouldn’t transfer human to human? If the experts didn’t know, why do people say Trump should have?

Why did you call Trump's banning of travel from China racist and an overreaction and now say he reacted too late? Should Americans trust you as President when you called the travel ban that saved lives an overreaction?

Why do you continually lie that Trump called the virus a hoax?

How many people have died because you and Obama never replenished the medical supplies and equipment inventories that were depleted during the Swine flu pandemic?

Was there a daily death and case count, a daily press briefing and wall to wall trashing of the Obama Administration for their slow reaction to the swine flu?

Were you or Obama ever asked about having blood on your hands because you didn’t declare a national emergency for months after the swine flu pandemic showed up?

How many people would die from the virus and many other diseases if you and other Democrats got their way to outlaw oil products and there were no more planes, trains, trucks and ships to move drugs, supplies and medical equipment around the globe and the U.S?

Why did Obama, you and others continually lie to the public about Obamacare that they could keep their plan, keep their doctor, that premiums would be reduced, and the budget deficit would go down?

Why did the Obama Administration implement bonuses to hospitals, through Medicare, if they didn’t readmit patients? Why do Democrats mislead the public that government-run health care has no limits as to what they pay?

How many people died prematurely in the U.S. since life expectancy went down four straight years after Obamacare was in place?

Should people trust the party that didn’t keep their word on Obamacare, and trust politicians and bureaucrats around the world who can’t handle a seasonal virus, to control temperatures, sea levels and storm activity forever if we just hand over trillions of our hard-earned dollars?

Should people trust the party who would deny health care to unwanted newborn children to oversee health care for the rest of us?

Democrats say they are the party of truth and science, so what is the scientific date that human life begins?

Was it OK for Obama to implement DACA when Congress wouldn’t pass it?

Did the Obama Administration separate kids from parents at the border and keep them in enclosures (cages)?

Should a President be called a racist and xenophobe for enforcing immigration laws Congress passed? Is the purpose to gin up racial hate and division against Trump?

Why do you continue to lie about what Trump said at Charlottesville? Is it to intentionally deceive minorities to keep their votes and gin up racial hate against Trump?

Why did Obama/Biden policies give the U.S. economy the slowest economic recovery in seventy years?

Which policies are you proposing, or did you and Obama implement, to help the private sector vs. pushing for a more powerful government?

How do higher taxes help give opportunities to people, especially minorities and the poor, to move up the economic ladder?

Isn’t it better that we have a president who has focused on moving manufacturing back to the U.S since he took office, especially in light of the virus, instead of someone like Obama, who said manufacturing was gone for good and it would take magic to bring the jobs back?

Should Lois Lerner and others at the IRS have been prosecuted for violating the free speech rights of ordinary citizens who opposed Obama policies and obstructed justice by destroying computers and hiding documents? Or were they above the law?

How many people died in Ukraine because Obama/Biden were so busy appeasing Putin that they wouldn't provide defensive weapons?

Should people who committed perjury, like Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Rice and Comey, be prosecuted or are they above the law?

Should people at the FBI who committed fraud before the FISA Court to take out Trump, like Comey and McCabe, be prosecuted or are they above the law?

Should the FBI ever use documents provided by a political party to justify spying on their opponent?

Should Hillary and others, including Obama, be prosecuted for trafficking classified documents on a non-secure personal computer or are they above the law?

Should powerful politicians like Hillary and you use powerful government positions to enrich themselves and their families? Isn’t that pure abuse of power that should be investigated and/or prosecuted?

Why do you continue blatantly lie that the Obama/Biden years were scandal-free when there were continuous major scandals throughout your eight years? A huge scandal was that the corrupt justice department, Democrats in Congress and the complicit media didn’t give a damn. 

There are thousands of more questions that should be asked but won’t be because most supposed journalists are just campaigning for Democrats and want them in power. They gladly hide the truth from the public.

Can anyone look at Biden today or throughout his career and see anything to indicate he could manage a crisis like the virus?

Does anyone look at Biden today and believe he could handle a ten minute or two-hour press conference every day as Trump does? I read that Biden’s advisors try to keep his public speaking appearances to very short periods and we all can see why.

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