The best way to calm liberals down about guns?

One can find a lot of useful information on the internet, though determining its veracity is about like deciding when to trust a stopped clock to have the correct time.  I was reading some articles online, and I remembered hearing years ago about a prison warden (possibly some other official) who decided to paint prison cells pink to reduce aggression.

True or not, the concept is not without a veneer of scientific foundation. This article summarizes the results of a study:

"In 1979, Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D, experimented with the use of a particular shade of pink and its affect [sic] on mood and behavior. He called the color Baker-Miller Pink. It was found that this pink color was associated with a short-term decrease in aggression. Subsequent experiments also found that this shade of pink could also act as a natural APPETITE SUPPRESSANT."  (Bolded text in original.)

If you want to check out the color, look here. (The picture of ballet shoes in the article is not the Baker-Miller Pink).  It reminds me of the color of Pepto-Bismol, though it isn't identical.  When I was told about the prison application, I recall opining that being in a pink cell would probably enhance my tendencies to aggression rather than reduce them.

If you followed the link to "Baker-Miller Pink," you may agree with me that its basis for being an appetite suppressant is that it is nauseating to look at.  Perhaps nausea interferes with aggressive impulses. I never heard what the result of the prison official's experiment was.  And I was never placed in pink confinement for any interval, so I don't know whether my self-assessment was correct, either.

Still, I have often thought that the concept of "scary guns" revolves mostly around their business-like black finish.  There's a saying that you can't go wrong with basic black, but there's a time and place for camo as well.  I've looked at pink and other fashion-colored guns in the gun stores and decided I'd be loath to be seen with any of them, but they all worked just like their black versions.  I would rather be caught alive with a pink gun than dead with a basic black one.

I submit that the only scary gun is one that I'm not in control of, but I bet if you showed four people with AR-15s, one in black and the others in pink (even if not B-M Pink), liberals would say the black gun was the scary one, even if it was pointed down and the others were facing the camera.  Wish I had a photo of such a scene so I could test that theory.

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