The once and future pandemic

What is it like, living life bound up in an unnecessary lock down? Evidence now exists proving the lockdown unnecessary, inappropriate, and counterproductive. Even at the onset of the lockdown, researchers knew that fresh air is a great virus disinfectant. So why ban beaches, parks, and other outdoor activities? How did we even get here? Can we say “Never again?”.

Mortality rates in other countries has been higher than the USA. Initial decisions were based on concerns with respect to data from other countries. These differences are discussed here, here, and here. In fact, American COVID19 mortality is lower than for the flu season two years ago. The CDC estimates there were 60,000 deaths and about 800,000 hospitalizations. Records show that 83% of those deaths were older Americans while about 1% were children. Corona virus totals are trending below these percentages. We are safe to get back to normal!

Why the preliminary knee-jerk panic response? Because of very worrisome documents from respected sources predicting high mortality estimates. Examples are here and here. Some of these calculations predicted 2 Million CV19 deaths in the USA. But really, this was not the scare we thought it was. The horror did not happen. I say call off the dogs and let things get back to normal.

The deserted campus of Illinois Insttitute of Technology in Chicago (YouTube screen grab)

The human body is a system well designed by God to manage most diseases. Fighting an infection and defeating illnesses exercises and strengthens the immune system. Defeated illnesses bring about immunity, protecting against future incursions. The majority already has sufficient immunity to throw off CV19 and other similar illnesses with little or no symptoms. We will have to exhibit bravery to have freedom next time, next year, and the next, and so on.

Thoughtless off-the-cuff laws have led to unconscionable events. The decision to lockdown the nation seems have been haphazard and accidental, helped along by error-prone decision makers. Some theorize this was a purposeful plan – in order to do away with civil liberties – while setting a precedent for a repeat. Not saying anyone could have done better, but now it is time to let my people go!

Considering the overreach, where are the demonstrations? The civil unrest? Students wreaking havoc on campus? So far, only a traffic jam in Lansing, Michigan. Acquiescence has prevailed where people are cowed with dread of assembling together based on distress; even though CV19 lethality is in line with previous cold and flu seasons. American civil rights continue to be set aside.

Leaders can use the framework of fighting crises as a recipe to obtain and maintain power. Invisible enemies serve nefariously well as they can provide a basis for control that is hard to overcome. Dystopian situations like we have now and perhaps similarly looming on the near horizon, allow money to be siphoned off and resources to be re-allocated to promote wide sweeping changes. These are examples of changes hated by the people, loved by some government leaders. Rights removed are rarely returned.

Keep in mind the flu hits every year. It is easy to predict that the flu season will be the defining event each and every year going forward. The push will be to manage infectious concerns after the 2020 model. Future leaders who say “No, it is not a big deal, keep on keeping on” can be ridiculed and shamed. Leaders who say “OK, it is another pandemic! Shut everything down again” will be giving in, heedless of the cost for continued social destruction. What will the decision be?

If you wish to protect your civil rights, act now. Please contact your representatives - now. The time to get the government to enact laws preventing draconian lockdowns is while it is fresh in their minds. Never again should our civil rights be set aside, as was addressed in founding documents long ago. And hey, it is an election year! Taking action at the polls will be crucial.

Fear continuously knocks at the door. God did not raise us up with a Spirit of fear, but of power. The power that we have is when we approach God, and talk to him, in prayer. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Dwell on this, when considering what one has control over, and where one is powerless. We must do all that can be done now - while it is still possible - to prepare for next time.

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