When will Republicans go on offense?

The natives are getting restless.  They want to see elected and appointed Republicans get into the fray with smarts, determination, and energy.  Those who continue to coast on the back bench do so at their peril.  Either a Democrat will replace their milquetoast hide or their own party will quarantine them from leadership positions.

Words will no longer suffice.  This is the time for action.  Republicans are underestimating the angst in the hinterlands.  We've grown tired of unanswered Democrat assaults that get nastier with each iteration.

  • Weaponizing the Intelligence Community against candidate Trump
  • The RUSSIA! hoax
  • Pelosi-directed nonstop committee investigations
  • The slanderous Kavanaugh hearings
  • Mueller's corrupt investigation, which scrapped together a mountain from a molehill
  • Ukraine as a ruse for impeachment
  • Using the coronavirus as a platform for unrelenting and shifting attacks

That's not to mention the improbable deaths of Seth Rich and Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner's infamous laptop, disappearing hurricane aid to Puerto Rico, voter fraud, the Imran Awan congressional cyber-scandal, appalling leaks from congressional committees, cities that don't enforce laws, scandals involving all three of Virginia's statewide elected officials, leftist street violence, social media as the arbiter of speech, sanctuary cities and states, Hunter Biden acting as a cut-out for dear ol' dad, and the true origins of the Wuhan Virus.

Something's rotten in our nation's capital...and the stench from inside the Beltway makes the average American want to puke.  This mess must be cleaned up.

The country needs answers and equal justice under the law.  Democrats are not into governance; they're into political warfare.  If no Democrat is punished for a crime, then laws are no deterrent.  They'll keep using illegal and unethical tactics to acquire power and money. Occasionally, Democrats drop their mask of normalcy, and Republicans get repulsed and angry, but their ire lasts only days.  Many Republicans believe that Democrats are like them, but with different ideas.  Democrats talk nice when it gets them what they want or delays action against their interests, but at their core, they are ruthless in the pursuit of power.  They win at any cost.  Democrats believe that laws, rules, ethics, morality, consistency, and truth are in place to constrain only Republicans.

Most of our Republican officials continue to play nice.  Will they wake up?  Our first Republican president also faced Democrat intransigence.  Here's what he said.

Let us not grope for some middle ground between right and wrong.  Let us not search in vain for a policy of don't care on a question about which we do care.  Nor let us be frightened by threats of destruction to the government[.] ... Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it!

The rank and file want action.  Democrats hurl the vilest of insults at President Trump and his supporters, yet Republican officials respond with silence or mealy-mouthed defenses.  We waited for the I.G. report.  We waited for the Mueller Report.  We waited for the impeachment acquittal.  All of those were big wins, but no one has suffered any consequences.  This shouldn't be.  Each revelation or piece of evidence that slowly comes to light supports our suspicions of wrongdoings — the same suspicions that Democrats sneeringly dismissed as ill-founded conspiracy theories.  At the same time, no evidence has surfaced that supports their concocted intrigues.  But it doesn't matter.  Democrats get away with repeating ad nauseam factually debunked narratives.

We have evidence on our side, but it's used for defense, never offense.  That's not the way Democrats work.  When a Republican president tries to expose Democrat corruption in Ukraine, they don't patiently recite a litany of particulars; they impeach the SOB!  Right from the get-go.  Offense is their only defense.  And Republican milksops?  They just sigh in relief that the ramparts held and hunker down for the next assault.

We've been told repeatedly that retribution is coming, that there's a secret plan to get even.  It had better come soon.  Barr and Durham need to get their rear ends in gear.  If they continue to dot is and cross ts, their work will become meaningless when Democrats win in 2020.  The new administration's first order of business will be to shove their work right down a memory hole.  But Republican officials shouldn't rely on Barr and Durham.  This is not a legal fight; it's a political fight.

This is a battle royale.  Speed is of the essence.  Except Republicans are lumbering elephants and rule-followers.  They believe that the public will get it by watching them act responsibly.  They don't need to shout.  They're adults.  They learned to share in kindergarten and believe that bipartisanship is proper governance.  Republicans have no clue that the opposition understands them better than they understand themselves.  Democrats use Republican virtues to play a giggling Lucy against their gullible Charlie Brown.

If Republicans don't want to go the way of the Whigs, they had better get engaged and pick up the pace.  We've been teased long enough.  We've waited long enough.  We're becoming cynical.  Democrats will internalize outlandish scenarios into their belief system; Republicans exercise their faith in a church or synagogue.

In politics, we want results, not good feelings.

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