Who's insane?

The media and the leftist body politic have co-opted psychiatric diagnoses without any real understanding of neurology, psychology, and normal human behavior.  They bandy words like sociopath, unstable, unfit, and crazy to vent their unmitigated hatred of Present Trump.

Dr. Sheldon Roth, a physician with decades of practice in psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and a professor at Harvard Medical School, as well as a past member of the highly acclaimed Psychoanalytic Institutes, is highly qualified to make a diagnosis of sanity in his book The Mind of Donald Trump: Psychologically Sound.

In a grim coincidence of events, Dr. Roth's analyses are borne out by the president's nightly press conferences occasioned by the COVID-19 virus.

As Dr. Roth informs us in his 2008 book Never Give Up, co-written with Meredith McIver, Donald Trump outlined "A Top 10 List for Success," virtually a script for his current role as captain during a time of crisis and pandemic.  Three examples that highlight his present strategy:

"See yourself as victorious!  That will focus you in the right direction."

"Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see?  There may be some great opportunities right around you, even if things are not looking so great.  Great adversity can turn into a great victory."

"Look at the solution, not the problem.  Never give up!  Never, never, never give up."

He is flamboyant, narcissistic, and hardly a great orator, and Dr. Roth includes the warts, but see how masterful is his handling of the present danger.

He has seen himself as victorious, and he has seen opportunity in great adversity, and he can never just give up.

He has engaged the private sector, where more  than fifty companies — manufacturing, big pharma, tech giants, fashion, food and home goods production, and the automobile industry — are retooling to manufacture and distribute and donate essential medical technology and equipment. 

He has made capitalism a force for the public good.

When the president graciously introduced some of the CEOs, he said"Joining us this afternoon are CEOs of the great American companies that are fulfilling their patriotic duty by producing or donating medical equipment to help meet our most urgent needs.  What they're doing is incredible.  And these are great companies."

He has brought giant Navy hospital ships to New York and Los Angeles harbors to free hospital beds for treatment of the coronavirus and provide beds for critical surgeries and treatments for non-infected patients.

He pressured the National Guard to build a 1,000-bed facility in the Javits Center in New York in record time, and others are planned for myriad sites.

He has helped distribute masks and testing supplies, and most important, he defied the skepticism of his task force in promoting medications that now show great promise for those who are critically ill, as well as in prevention.

Not since FDR has any president been so successful in galvanizing American pride and patriotism.

How sane can you get?

Read the book.  It is persuasive, meticulously documented, and researched.  As Dr. Roth documents, the "deranged" are those who will use libel and bias to further a vile political agenda fueled by an irrational hatred of our president.

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