Biden gets an endorsement from Eric Holder

Eric Holder, notorious attorney general under Obama, defended Joe Biden against sexual harassment allegations on Bill Maher's show.

"What has been described [regarding Tara Reade's allegations of Biden's sexual attack against her] is inconsistent with the person who I've come to know and I've worked with," Holder said.  "The vice president has denied that it actually did occur.  And as I said, his denial is consistent with the Joe Biden that I know."

Remember the old saying "tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are"?

 This is Eric Holder, who was held in contempt by the Congress in 2013 for refusing to provide documents related to the botched Fast and Furious operation, which left 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican drug-dealers and led to the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in December 2010.

This is the very same official who, according to then-senator Jeff Sessions, being A.G. for about five months, ignored  recommendations of the Office of Legal Counsel on the constitutionality of a D.C. voting bill, refused a request from law enforcement officials to keep interrogation methods confidential, and released dangerous detainees from American prisons.  And who explicitly called the USA a "nation of cowards" on racial issues, causing a statement even from President Obama mentioning that he "would use different language" talking about the same topic.  Furthermore, Mr. Holder refused to prosecute the famous case of voter intimidation by the Black Panthers in Philadelphia and called only black Americans "my people" while supposedly representing the whole American nation as the A.G.  In 2013, the DOJ of the Obama administration, under the personal behest of Eric Holder, issued a subpoena of phone records from the Associated Press, and a search warrant targeting Fox News correspondent James Rosen's emails and other means of communication relevant to a government leak about North Korea.  Even the New York Times characterized Holder's actions as "threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news."

That's quite a list, isn't it?

Needless to say, it's telling that individuals like Holder rush to the defense of the treasured old boy of the Democratic establishment.

But does Eric Holder, a graduate of Columbia Law School, really think that by just proclaiming on some show that "Joe is a good guy and would never do that," he would convince people of a clear image of the Democratic candidate?  Probably not.  So Holder then went into a trick of "whataboutism," attempting to turn the tables on President Trump.

"It's interesting that the people who are trying to fan this thing are the very people who support Donald Trump and, of course, who say nothing about the allegations that have been raised, I think very credibly, against Trump from a number of women — you know, rape," said Holder.

Besides employing whataboutism, this favorite tool of people who are out of luck palpably discussing a subject at hand, Holder professed, incorrectly, that it's "Trump-supporters" who are pushing Ms. Reade's allegations.  Not only do Hollywood celebrities like Susan Sarandon and John Cusack back the accuser, but the New York Times published an article on May 1, asking Joe Biden to "play by the rules," meaning the trending motto (asserted by Biden on multiple  occasions) that "women need to be believed" when they complain about sexual misconduct from powerful men.  And lots of Bernie Sanders fans, convinced that Biden is damaged goods, call on Bernie to come back to the presidential election fight.

Image: North Charleston via Flickr.

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